samedi 28 mars 2009

We are ready....on est prêt.

Véronique told us that if we want to go in NY to dance we will have to work for her a little bit....
Véronique nous a dit que si nous voulions aller dancer à NY pour le bal de printemps nous devions d'abord travailler pour elle....
Dyos a aidé au nettoyages, comme d'habitude.....
Dyos had to help to clean the floor...

Après nous sommes allés au lac pour remplir notre mission : trouver des cailloux pour Pedro !
After, we went at the lake for our next mission : finding "rocks for Pedro"....

It was raining and as you can see we don't look our best for our rendez-vous... Il pleuvait et comme vous pouvez le constatez nous ne sommes pas à notre avantage pour aller danser....

Et petit Dyos a pris des forces pour danser toute la faire babysitter toute la nuit par la petite Lacie.... Dyos had a nice meal so he will be healthy enough to dance....hum be "babysitting" by the little Lacie....I hope Lacie will not turn into a kind of "Cinderella" at midnight ....hahahahaha...j'espère que la petite Lacie ne se transformera pas en une espèce de "Cendrillon" à minuit....hahahaha

Photo du blog de Lacie....merci. Picture from Lacie's blog....

13 commentaires:

Mason Dixie a dit…

Great job cleaning up the floor, he he
and I hope Lacie does not turn into that turkey at midnight!! I will be sure to have my camera just in case.

Asta a dit…

Faya I hope you found a pawfect rock and I'm vewy impwessed by dyos's cleaning skills..he is a twue modewn boy, helping wif housewowk! Bwavo!
I'm suwe bof of you will look spectacoolaw at the dance!
see you thewe , I can't wait
smoochie bisous

Jake of Florida a dit…

Faya, I hope you'll save me a dance!!!!

Bisous!! A toute a l'heure!!


Lucia a dit…

Ciao Faya and Dyos!

Oh, Dyos!! I saw your comment on my bloggie and I am so sorry! I had already accepted dolce Buster's invitation to go to the Rainbow Room when I saw your note, but please know how very flattered I am that you thought about me!

I'm so glad you and la bella Faya will both be there. It'll make the evening all that much more fun!

Tanti baci!

Gus a dit…

Well, we are glad to see that Dyos is putting his energy to good use. See ya soon


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya and Dyos!
Looks like Dyos was having fun with the mop... until he broke it!
I hope you have lots of fun at the dance!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley a dit…


You and Dyos looked like you were having a lot of fun in NYC! I'm amazed at Dyos' cleaning skills. He really gets right in there where all the dirt is! And, I bet you found some fabulous rocks for Pedro. I hope your feet don't hurt from dancing so much!

Goober love,

Nelly a dit…

Le coup de la panosse, éclats de rires....le dindonlacie trop drôle. Bisous, bon dimanche.

Duke a dit…

You're a very good helper, Dyos! We definitely think you've earned your trip to the Rainbow Room!
Did you find the perfect rock, Faya?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Dyos, you are very brave. We are scared of our mop which looks just like yours.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Toffee a dit…

Oh Dyos!
You are certainly looking debonaire on the dance floor with Lacie!

I hope that you are well and that Faya isn't tiring herself out looking for rocks!!

(my parents are off to see Eric Square dog on tuesday and then to Paris for the marathon on Sunday!!)

Miss Sophie a dit…

Dyos needs small dusters on his feet and then Veronique can leave the job entirely to him!
Faya, you look good whatever the weather.
Velvety Kissies

Pedro a dit…


I did find the video and it took my mom awhile to figure out how to do it but we embedded it in the post about your package! Remember - Saturday, April 11th!
