mercredi 20 mai 2009

Farniente in the garden...glandouille au jardin....

This morning, while Véronique did this....(what a mess...)....ce matin, pendant que Véronique faisait ça.....(quel chenit....)we were doing this....nous on faisait ça....
Reading the people presse people !Dyos wished to help....Dyos voulait aider....
He loves flowers so aime les fleurs...
I prefer to préfère bronzer....
....and when it becomes too warm I go under the bush....quand il fait trop chaud je vais sous la haie....I think Véronique did a good job today.....
Véronique a fait un bon travail aujourd'hui....

19 commentaires:

Hollie and Janie a dit…

You are a golden goddess in the sun! I can't imagine why Veronique wouldn't let Dyos help in the garden. I bet he's a great digger!!
Her flowers are so beautiful!!!

Princess Patches a dit…

You are right, Faya! Veronique did a VERY good job! All your flowers are very pretty...not quite as pretty as you are, though! And Dyos is such a cutie!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Fred a dit…

Beautiful garden! And great job soooopervising.

Ruby Bleu a dit…

The garden looks lovely!!!! And your tan looks great Faya!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

The Airechicks a dit…

Faya - Dyos

We hope both of you got your supervising contract approved ......PIZZA - ICE CREAM just like Maggie & Mitch....

We two agree Veronique has the most beautiful flowers...

Hope Veronique is feeling better...we've got her covered in our prayer anyway...

Faya - you know the sun is very hard on the fur - be sure V - schedules a lovely SPA day for you both & her too....


Jake of Florida a dit…

We hope you're using sun screen to protect yourselves from too much sun!!

Blue pots are one of our Mom;s favorites. The garden looks lovely -- and every garden should have a terrier (or two) to give it that extra special charm!!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Nelly a dit…

Je commence à comprendre pourquoi, y a deux jardins, un pour,vous faites ce que vous voulez et un pour les belles fleurs.Bisous,à demain.

Gus a dit…

Ah, we think Vernique did a very fine job today, and love the flowers in your garden.

I'm sure you tan well, but be careful not to burn

gussie d

Dandy Duke a dit…

Veronique's garden is just beautiful! Mom LOVES the Iris!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Diego Dog a dit…

The garden looks great and I'm glad you didn't get overheatd!

Diego Dog

Agatha and Archie a dit…

The plants are lovely..Were you reading the latest People magazine??? All you needed on your chair was a glass of something to drink and your sunglasses...Love and kisses A+A

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, we think Veronique planted some very pretty flowers too! we want to know if Dyos enjoys to look at them or to eat them! hee hee! you look like a beauty when you are sitting on your lounge chair with your magazines.


Astrid Keel a dit…

Faya, Véronique a un super jardin! Ma mamman a déja tué trois plantes ce printemps... Elle n'est pas douée comme Véro! (shhh... ne dis pas à ma mamman ce que j'ai écrit... Elle pense que j'adore son jardin...!)

Lorenza a dit…

You had a nice day outside!
Veronique did a good job and you were very good supervisors!
Kisses and hugs

Sally a dit…

Great photos - I love those flowers - if we sat in the sun would we become as tanned as you?

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

TwoSpecialWires a dit…

Veronique has quite the green thumb and the extra benefit of two talented helpers: supervisors, critique-ers, loungers, artists, Airedales-extraordinaire. No wonder the potted flowers look so beautiful!

Jake and Fergi

erin a dit…

Yes, I think she did a good job, Faya! I like to watch my girl garden and sun my buns outside too. I usually sleep in the sun for 20 minutes and then move to the shade for a while and then back to the sun again.

Stanley a dit…


You are a sun bunny! You are already a nice golden tan, so don't over do it, okay?

And Dyos looks like he might have a green paw when it comes to flowers. Does he like to grow them or eat them?

Goober love & smooches,

Thor and Jack a dit…

Yes, Veronique did a great job!
And you are a good supervisor!Those flowers look beautiful!
