dimanche 3 mai 2009

It is boring....c'est ennuyant...

Il ne bouge presque pas....il pleure....il dort toute la journée....He cannot move….he cries….he sleeps all the day….pfffff.....

He doesn't even eat his treats.....il ne mange même pas ses friandises....

...poor Dyos....pauvre chouchou...Today I went with Véronique to the education and I was realy a gooooooood girl !C'est moi qui ai été à l'éducation aujourd'hui et j'ai été très très brave. J'ai reçu un bon nonos et moi je le mange ! I received a nice treat. Don't worry : I ate it !

14 commentaires:

Gus a dit…

Poor Baby! He looks almost like he understands what has happened to him. Faya, you are continuing to be an outstanding sissie for Dyos. We hope he appreciates it.


TwoSpecialWires a dit…

Jake to Dyos: Naps are always good, no matter the reason.
Fergi to Faya: Do your humines tell you to chew with your mouth closed, especially when the camera is out?

Both of us to both of you: Enjoy the rest of your weekend ... naps and treats. Sounds perfect to us!

Sleeping and munching,
Jake and Fergi

Thor and Jack a dit…

Poor boy! I hope Dyos gets well soon!
You´re a good sister to him, Faya!
Taking a good rest, you two!


The Musketeers a dit…

Oh poor boy, hopes he get better soon !

Lots of drool,
Four Musketeers

Asta a dit…

I'm sowwy that dyos is cwying..he must weally huwt if he doesn't even want tweats. I'm glad you have nice sunshine to munch on youws.
We all toasted you and wished you wewe wif us
smoochie kisses

Lorenza a dit…

Oh, Dyos!
Don't worry! You will get rid of that suit soon! Be patient!
I am drooling here looking at you eating your treat Faya! Yummy!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs a dit…

poor little Dyos. we hope he can get that body suit off soon and run and play again.


Dandy Duke a dit…

We feel so badly for Dyos! We hope he feels more perky soon!
You have the whitest toofies, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mason Dixie a dit…

Poor Dyos, I hope the worse is over =)

Hollie and Janie a dit…

Poor Dyos! I hope he gets better very, very soon! I know you miss playing with him. Great job on your classes, and that bone looks divine!!

Nelly a dit…

Tu me fait pitié petit Dyos, j'ose même pas montrer ton état à Tzoukette, je crois aussi qu'elle pleurerait en te voyant dans cet état.Calinous tot doux.

Anonyme a dit…

Oh poor little Dyos. You do look pretty miserable in those photos... you'll get over it little man!!

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.

Simba and Jazzi xxxx

erin a dit…

Poor Dyos! I don't understand. Doesn't he have pain pills? Or is he crying because he doesn't like the body suit he has to wear? It looks cute on him, but I don't think I'd like wearing it either.