lundi 22 juin 2009

Ah la France....beautiful week-end in France !

We were in France last was great !

On était en France le week-end dernier.....c'était géant !

On a visité de nouveaux endroits....we were visiting new places.....

On a beaucoup joué....we played a lot ....

Il a fait beau et chaud....the weather was nice and hot....Les fleurs étaient were so beautiful !Vraiment beau.....very nice place.....
Dyos aime beaucoup Sophie qui aime Dyos....Dyos loves Sophie who loves Dyos....

We walked a lot .... on a beaucoup marché....
...avec des pauses-boissons.....nice dog-bar....
....on a fait des grandes siestes....we had a lot of naps....
...ZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZz...Le jardin de Tonton est tout vert....the garden is beautiful and green........miam miam..... Dyos a fait le clown....and Dyos was a little clown..... nos humains on fait beaucoup d'apéros .... our humans had a lot of aperitifs....

12 commentaires:

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Wow, a whole weekend in France! You are SOOO lucky! Love the beautiful and scenic photos! Thanks for sharing them with us, Faya! Dyos looks EXCEPTIONALLY cute in the photo where he was covered in grass...heh!

Hope you have a great week ahead!


Pei In The Life a dit…

That's a great ADVENTURE! Wish I'd been there with you!


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Oh my goodness how we would love to go to France for the weekend. Dyos, you've got those little things all over your face. I get those and D loves to pick them off.

Noah x

Gus a dit…

Wonderful weekend, with plenty of time for siestas. Glad you found the dog bar.

gussie d

Astrid Keel a dit…

Wow! Quel super weekend! J'ai seulemnt une question... le dog bar... c'était du vin ou du champagne?? :)

Asta a dit…

Faya and Dyos
You know , you might not have a Fathew's day but you suwe have mowe fun and booty than anyone hewe
That looks like a fantastical weekend
smoochie kisses

Fred a dit…

Vive la France!

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Wow what a great dog bar!! Dyos as a clow is the sweetest picture!! WE are so gald you all had a wonderfull time!!! We have been inside becaseu all it does is rain here......Love A+A

Princess Patches a dit…

You are so lucky to visit France! We don't want to go outside at all! It is TOO hot! By about 7:00 in the morning, it is already too hot for us!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Duke a dit…

What a fun weekend you all had! The pictures are just beautiful!
Mitch would be right there helping you eat those berries, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza a dit…

Sure you had a pawesome weekend in France!
I loved all the pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Nelly a dit…

Quand j'ai voulu tél. c'était trop tard, déjà loin la ta santé ? as- tu repris des force de l'autre côté du Jura ???