Our cherry-tree is giving us a lot of work ! Notre cerisier nous donne beaucoup de travail !
Some of our neighbors are helping us....this year we have sooooooooooooo much cherries....Les voisins sont venus se servir.....cette année on a tellement de cerises...
I am supervising but they were here with their dog...Chayanne !
17 commentaires:
Ciao Faya e Dyos!
Mmmmmmmm ... cherrrrrries. And cafloutis ... double mmmmmm. You two are soooo lucky to have a cherry tree in your yard, and even luckier to have a mama who makes such meraviglioso treats. Yummy!
Tanti baci!
oH MY. My mouth waters in anticipation. Washington cherries are coming in here, and I love them. Of course, Muzzer has to take the pits out first, so I don't get many. She is greedy too.
gussie d
oooh! Miam miam!!! Ma mamman adore tellement les cerises que je n'en ai jamais mangé! Mmmm... je me lêche les babines regardant le clafoutis!
All those cherries are making my mom drool! She loves them... but we can't find them here!
Kisses and hugs
Omigosh...cherries! Mom loves to eat cherries too...so much until she wouldn't share! *pouts* Too bad we don't get a lot of them here in Malaysia...I think if Mom was at your house, Faya, she would be in heaven...*wink* Veronique's cooking and baking looks super yummy! Hope you managed to get a taste...*grins*
Fsya, I am drooling... Yummm!
Faya & Dyos!!
I can almost taste those cherries... mmmm mmmm M! They look almost to good to eat... almost...
I'm sure with the two of you supervising that the cherries will all get picked and whipped up into all kinds of fabulous things. Does Gooberique ever make cherry pie? I'd like to try some of that marmalade. I'd slather it all over my fuzz face so everydog I met could get a little taste!
Goober love & smooches,
Du rouge, encore du rouge (non fermenté ) Chez nous ça vient, je pense que la semaine prochaine va faloir qu'on s'y mette.
appétissante ta tarte miam miam. Bisous.
Mon dieux mes ils sont bon.....hmmm does that make sense hehe.
B puts cherries in the fruit salad for the B&B guests when they're in season.
What beautiful cherries and the tree is loaded! We hope you guys get a piece of that delicious looking cake! yummmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You certainly have a lot of cherries and the cake looks absolutely delicious.
Molly and Taffy
hi Faya & Dyos, our mom thinks those cherries look wonderful. she loves cherries. we have never eaten them. have you? we hope Veronique is letting you taste a piece of that yummy looking cake!
those cherries look soooo yummy and what a gorgeous cherry tree! those sweets veronique made look divine, as well!! I hope she shared with you and dyos!
oohh la la......LES CERISES!!!!!!! Hoo boy we are drooling again
all over the key board...Love and kisses A+A
Faya and Dyos
How I envy youw jawdin! Those chewwies look scwumptious! and that clfoutti et confitoowe..niammmmmmmm!
and you even get a fwiend to come play while doing all this
smoochie bisous
Oh Faya...those cherries look soooooo good!! How does Veronique get the pits out??? Does she have a machine to do it???
We wish we had a cherry tree!!! Are they sweet without any sugar????
MIAM MIAM...is right!!!
Love to you and Dyos!
Those cerises look so good!!! We love little bites of cherries in season.
Lucky you!!!
Wire love,
Jake and Just Harry
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