mercredi 21 octobre 2009

Je ne suis pas "Superdog".... I (Dyos) am not "Superdog"

J'ai cru que je pouvais sauter (comme Skippy), courir, creuser, chasser des ennemis imaginaires et gagner à chaque fois.....
I believed that I could jump (like Skippy), run, dig, or chase imaginary enemies and win every time....

......No.....non......j'ai mal à une patte, je boite et je suis grincheux......qu'est-ce-que Lacie va penser de moi ?

...... No ...... I have pain in a leg, I limp and I am peevish ...... what will Lacie think about me ?

(Véronique here : and on leash for one week......oups......en laisse pour une semaine....NA)

14 commentaires:

Digsby Mac Feegle a dit…

Even superdogs get injuries sometimes! I'm sure you will be back in crime fighting shape in no time!

Gus a dit…

Dyos. We think you can be a superdog, but you need to train for a long time so you don't pull a muscle or otherwise injure yourself. Get in touch with Archie, he is doing a good job training Agatha.


Tucker a dit…

I'm just now getting over my swollen paw that the doc didn't know the origin. My humans think I stubbed my toe jumping off the bed by I say they held on too tight trying to use that noisy dremel on my claws. I know how to wiggle my way out of just about anything. He he he...


Agatha and Archie a dit…

I am sending Archie over there so you can begin to do conditioning with him He is the best coach ever! Love A+A

Sally Ann and Andy a dit…

Je suis desole. Moi, je pense que tu aurais et tu auras toujours "superdog."
Sally Ann

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Dyos!
I am so sorry you are hurting!
Paws crossed for you!
Kisses and hugs

Asta a dit…

You cewtainly awe supewdog, you just have to pace youwself..not do evewything at onece .I think Lacie will love you as do I and we awe wedy to come nuwse you if you would like
Of couwse you awedy have the most bootiful sissie in the wowld who is pwobably taking pawfect cawe of you
smoochie heling kisses

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Oh Dyos, it happens to us all... right now it's my mama who is hurting a little bit from her flying fall the other day. So I keep her on a tight leash when we go for our walkies :)


Inky and Molly a dit…

Ah well, sometimes you just gotta play hard...

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Oh dear Dyos we do hope the "ouch" goes away soon and then you will be Superdog very soon.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Duke a dit…

It happens, Dyos! Give your legs a rest and they'll be back to normal in no time at all, okay?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Fred a dit…

Poor Dyos! Old Girl likes that word "grincheux." But hope you feel better soon!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Oh Faya...we still have our piggies you sent us...they are indestructable!!! And we adore them...

Now are a SUPER DOG, my sweet and I would be honored if you'd escort me to a movie...Lakies Unleashed? Headless Horsedales? Wonderful Wacky Welshies? What do you think????

Flirty barks, Dyos...!!!!


Hollie and Janie a dit…

You are still SUPER cute! You must be more careful! I hope veronique and faya take very good care of you!