samedi 17 novembre 2007

Devinez où j'étais aujourd'hui....Guess where I've been today...

Ce matin Véronique est allé m'acheter un manteau pour que je puisse quand même jouer dans la neige et que mon dos reste bien au chaud. This morning Véronique went shopping to buy me a coat. Now I can play in the snow and my back is nice warm.

It took only 15 minutes to go from my house in Bienne (where I live, but no snow) to Macolin (a half meter snow)... Il nous faut 15 minutes pour aller de Bienne (où j'habite, pas de neige) à Macolin (un demi mètre de neige).
J'aime la neige et à Macolin le paysage est magnifique. On voit même les Alpes en face. Et la lune était là aussi ! I love to go in Macolin. It is so beautiful, you can even see the Alpes. And today also the moon was here !

J'ai l'air toute petite petite..... I look so tiny...... Can you see me ? Vous me voyez ?

J'espère que la neige va rester un long moment. ...
It was such a great afternoon...

23 commentaires:

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

That looks so wonderful, and such a lot of fun. You do look very fine with snow in your beard and moustache!

Nice jacket, too. Mum won't buy me one because I always go swimming in the canal. Not fair!


Anonyme a dit…

Hooooooo mais que tu es belle avec ton nouveau manteau ma chérie :-)))

Pis t'as bien chaud, Véronique te gâte, tu en as de la chance d'aller dans la neige... Moi je trouve que toute cette neige ça ressemble à un immennnnse champs de crééééééééééme ;-) On léchouille ??? ;-)

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Faya, you are sooooooooo lucky with all that snow. You certainly look nice and cosy in your posh new coat.
Molly and Taffy

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Oh our dear dear Faya!!! We didn't see your name on our list of awards becausue Archie was in such a rush to post it becasue he loves everyone so much and I knew he would goof it up but go back now because we added it!! We KNEW that was going to happen(because we have so many dear friends!!!!)!! You are so lucky to have snow but we are worried about your hip,Does it hurt alot??Do you have to take medicine for it?? We are sending you lots of healing smoochies Love A+A

Dandy Duke a dit…

We are sooooooooooooo jealous of your snow, Faya! I wish we could be there to play with you! Your new coat is just lovely!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry a dit…

Il y a beaucoup de neige! Fantastique! J'adore ton manteau.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Gus a dit…

Woooo..nice color for you Faya. Hope your jacket keeps you nice and warm! You are so very lucky to live near snow.

take it easy please

Kirby a dit…

Wow Faya, you are looking gooood in your new coat! What a beautiful day in the snow. I hope your hip was feeling well. I still have my paws crossed for you!

Your pal,

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Un demi metre de neige? Pouvons-nous allez a Macolin aussi? Pas de neige ici en Connecticut!

Sephie et Buster

Anonyme a dit…

Un manteau bien chaud et hop à la neige, en plus de belles photos c'est encore mieux, histoire de faire partager à tes amis lointain nos beaux paysages. Bon dimanche à tous et trufouilles.

Noah the Airedale a dit…

How wonderful to be able to play in all that snow. What a great place. You are very lucky Faya to live in such a beautiful country.
Love the new coat too. Vouz etes tres chic.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Jackson's J1 and J2 a dit…

Hey Faya, love your new coat, it's very stylish! We don't get snow where I live very often but I don't like it much; too cold! J x

Amber-Mae a dit…

Wow, it's already snowing there? That is sooo cool! The coat looks great on you Faya.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya!!

I love that snow beard you have going on there! That snow looks nice and cool. Can't believe that that bootiful place is only a few minutes from your door? (Have you ever been to the Alps?)

Your mama found you a very nice jacket. Hope it's warm!

Goober love,
Your brother Stanley

Anonyme a dit…

tu as un bien joli manteau, comment va ta papatte ?

Anonyme a dit…

kyou kyou mais je ne pense pas que c'est de la dysplasie, ça tient pas debout après une année !!!

tu as aussi le droit à un deuxième avis... si jamais !

N'oublie pas qu'aussi chouchou que soit ton véto il ne sait pas tout et ce que je ne comprends pas pourqoi il a pas fait tout de suite, moi je suis sure que c'est les ligaments croisés

allez courage croise les papattes.

Lenny a dit…

Faya, you look as beautiful as the Alps in your new coat!

Your friend, Lenny

Lenny a dit…

Are the Alps where Alpo comes from?

Lenny :)

Juno a dit…

wow, Faya!! Where you live is so bootiful. Snow looks bootiful as well. I feel like I am watching a movie! Of course you're the star! :)

Momo xoxo

Sophie Brador a dit…

Faya! I'm so envious of your snow. It looks wonderful. I heard you have some achey joints. Me too. I have the same thing as hip dysplasia, but in my shoulders. I limp a lot. My mom gives me glucosamine and traumeel every day, but sometimes I need stronger stuff for the achies.

I hope your hips feel better.


Lenny a dit…

Hi Faya! Let me try and explain Thanksgiving. 450 years ago, people (we call them "pilgrims") came from England and Europe over to America by boat because they wanted to have religious freedom. Life was very hard at first but they made friends with the Native Americans, who showed them how to grow crops and raise food. So they gave thanks to God for the food that they had, despite their hard times. That started the tradition.

In the 1860s America had a civil war, and the country was torn apart. The President, Abraham Lincoln, said that at the end of November every year, Americans should celebrate Thanksgiving, and made it an official national holiday. That way we can recognize that even if we are going through hard times, there is a lot to be thankful for.

So the turkey and the rest of the meal are symbolic for the meal that the pilgrims and the Native Americans ate together. I'm not sure why it's specifically turkey. And everyone gets together with their families to celebrate.

Does that help? It's a nice tradition, I think!

Your friend, Lenny

Asta a dit…

What a bootiful spot...I wish I could go thewe with you! maybe some day!
I'm thinking of you all the time and cwossing my paws fow youw wesults!
I'm glad you'we feeling good enough to go fow a nice snowy day to play
smoochie kisses

the many Bs a dit…

Hi Faya, you look like you were having a lot of fun. it's beautiful there with the snow. you got some snowballs stuck in your facial hair. hee hee. that's funny. we get snowballs stuck on our legs.
