jeudi 8 novembre 2007

La meilleure place.... the best place....

C'est où pour vous la meilleure place ? Celle où vous vous sentez en sécurité ? Where is for you the best place, the one where you feel safety ? Pour moi c'est celle-ci.... For me it is this one....

C'est là que je vais quand j'ai faim, quand j'ai peur, quand je veux jouer ou bien simplement quand je veux lui dire "Je t'aime"...
This is the place I go when I am hungry, or when I am afraid, or when I want to play, or when I want to tell my Véronique "I love you"....

19 commentaires:

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

you look so cute there! I haven't got a favourite spot. I just get everywhere at the moment. But when there were fireworks last week, I did end up sitting on Mum's knee because I was so frightened.

Regarding your comment about peanut butter... WOW! you CAN'T GET ANY?!?! Panic! I would love to send you an emergency peanut butter supply - if you like, can you send me your address? My email is

big kisses

Jake of Florida a dit…

Bonjour Faya,

We were wondering how you're doing, so stopped by to say hello. Ca va??

We agree, the best place to be is somewhere as close as possible to our folks -- whether between their legs in the kitche, on their laps on the couch, or, in my case, on a bench next to Mom's computer while she's working. JH's trick is to jump on Mom's lap whenever possible.

A bientot, chere Faya,


Dandy Duke a dit…

I love rubbing myself up against mom's legs - sorta like a kitty would do! That's my special spot. Mitch loves being near people's faces and heads so he can give them extra special hugs!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonyme a dit…

Le voleur il a écrit "réunion de Bleubloggeur" et toi t'es plus une "Bleue" donc pas de souper pour toi.... et toc....

Anonyme a dit…

Non mais anonyme, tu veux bien te mêler de tes affaires !!! Faya et Véronique ont été les premières BleuBloggueuses que j'ai rencontré, alors stp tu te calmes rapidos

Anonyme a dit…

Une bonne place quoi ;O) Tu es trop choupinette Faya! Toi et Stitch feriez un beau couple! ;O) Gros bisous tout doux à Véro et à toi

Anonyme a dit…

Moi je me blottis tout contre ma Louve, le plus souvent près de son cou quand je veux lui dire tout ça... Ou alors, je miaule à fendre l'âme, ça l'énerve, mais ça finit toujours par payer ;-)

Anonyme a dit…

Oui c'est la meilleure place... et c'est celle que tu mérite ! papouilles ;-)

Snowball a dit…

I will do this only when I needed pawtection.


Gus a dit…

I like your special spot, but my favorite is on the big bed, laying across muzzer's tummy while she reads, or curled up against her while she sleeps. Teka likes under the covers next to dad.

Boo Casanova a dit…

oh faya, i never stand underneath mom's legs. maybe bcoz i'm a shorty, i don't like lifting my head and hence don't like people or doggie towering over me!

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Oh it sure looks like a very safe place to be Faya

~ Girl girl

Nounours a dit…

Que c'est mignon, Faya, tu as trouvé ta petite niche, et mobile en plus ! (Me voici de retour de vacances après presque un mois d'absence. Rassure-toi, je ne t'ai pas oubliée ! Huhu.)

Harry a dit…

Tu adores, adores, adores ta Veronique!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Juno a dit…

Faya, your favorite spot is like your safety blanky, right? You look so cute there!

Momo xoxo

Amber-Mae a dit…

Awww, sooo cute! Hmm, where's my safe place? No where! Hehehe, I feel safe everywhere & anywhere...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta a dit…

That is the vewy meilleure place in the universe!
smoochie kisses

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!

See!! I knew we were related! That is my favorite place too. If I don't stand right in between my girl's legs, I will walk or run right between them to let her know I'm still her boy!

You look very secure (and cute) sitting there with Gooberique!

Goober love,
Your brother, Stanley

Anonyme a dit…

Faya... I do the same thing!