jeudi 27 mars 2008

Les vacances c'est fatiguant ! Holidays ... I am exhausted !!

Cousine Sophie est venue avec Sylvain passer 2 jours avec nous. Cousine Sophie & Sylvain came to visit us and they stayed 2 days !!! We went to Morat .... On est allé à Morat....Véronique loves this little town a lot.... Véronique adore cette petite ville. Hello you....and you ! salut toi ... et vous !
Michellangelo !!! Pas de pluie ni de neige... no rain and no snow.....pretty view.... jolie vue ...Houhouuuuuuu !!Véronique says that I am worse than a caretaker (concierge ??). Véronique trouve que je suis pire qu'une concierge !
La vieille ville de Morat est splendide. The old city of Morat is beautiful.I have been on the ramparts...J'ai été sur les remparts...
Mais j'ai eu de la peine à descendre... It was not easy for me to go downstairs...Mais j'ai eu droit à une récompense.....but I did it and I received a reward........ miam miam
After this I was very tired. Today I have been to my friend Tsoukette. We had a lot to bark.... J'étais très fatiguée. Aujoud'hui j'ai été chez Tsoukette. On avait beaucoup à se raconter...Tomorrow we will start gardening.... demain on commence à jardiner.....

20 commentaires:

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

What a lovely holiday! You're lucky to have such a beautiful place to go!!!

Big Aire Kisses,

Anonyme a dit…

Eh bien Dame Faya! Ce fut une bonne promenade! Pour le jardinage demain, je suis certaine que tu seras très utile pour creuser les trous pour mettre les petites graines! ;O) Nous on te fais d'immenses câlins! On va dodo maintenant! Pour bien guérir, on a besoin de repos! Slurp tout baveux! Ciao et bonne nuit à toi et ta petite famille!

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Morat est une si belle place. Nous aimons l'architecture ancienne, les toits de tuiles, et le lac!


Sephie & Buster

Gus a dit…

Marvelous Holiday. We will keep good thoughts for fine weather for your gardening.

gussie and Teka Toy

Dandy Duke a dit…

You always get to go to the BEST spots, Faya! Our paws are crossed that your mom gets to garden!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

erin a dit…

It looks like you had a fun adventure! I love it when my humans have a holiday and I can spend the whole day with them.
PS I tagged you on my blog!

Snowball a dit…

That village looks beautiful and ancient. Its like those places we read about in fairytale stories. I bet those pastry must be really good.


Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh, what a fun time you had! Ooo, you met a swan? Sooo kewl!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonyme a dit…

Faire visiter des villes avec leurs remparts, ça c'est une bonne idée. En plus , belles photos et pour Faya une rencontre (embecquée)on ne saura jamais ce qu'ils se seront dit.Ici,les chats ont regagnés le domicile, mais ils ont regardés partout, ils n'étaient pas trop sûre.Bisous ,Yves et Véroniiiiique,Truftrufs.

i a dit…

Love the pictures! You certainly had a lovely holiday there, Faya!

Cassidy a dit…

Morat do be very pretty.

Happy gardening!

Cassidy x

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hello Faya

We loved your photos. Morat looks a very pretty place. We hope you manage to help Mum with her gardening soon, it is raining here so no gardening for us this weekend.

Moly and Taffy

Princess Patches a dit…

Faya, your country is sooooooo beautiful! Now, you need to rest up for your next adventure!

Poppy & Penny

Asta a dit…

Morat looks bootiful..what a nice outing..did you get some gateau? I love the view..Ithink you would make a vewy fwiendly concierge..happy gawdening!!!
love and smoochie kisses

Deetz a dit…

Wow, those are really cool pictures. I hope my pawents take me some where cool this summer. We usually just go to rodeos, cuz my dad is a pick-up man...guess he ropes bulls and pulls them out of the arena and stuff. Maybe he will let me help him this year. I was too small last summer.

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Oh wow, you've been on holiday. The scenery is beautiful Faya. Looks like you had a great time.

Au Revoir
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Anonyme a dit…

Oh, wow, what a beautiful little village you went to. No wonder you got tired after all that sightseeing. I'm glad that you enjoy your holidays so much. It's great being with your humans, isn't it?
Tres gros bisous!!!

Maya and Kena a dit…

Hi Faya!!
What a lovely place!! The buildings are so pretty and the view is great!! You must have had a great time!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Stanley a dit…


You always go to such great places where they let doggies run around. I can see why Gooberique loves that little town.

Goober love & smooches,

Agatha and Archie a dit…

It looks like you are having a wonderfull time!!!!! Love A+A