mardi 9 septembre 2008

Chut....don't wake them up !

Hello, it's me, Véronique......sorry for the bad quality of the video, but I was so afraid to wake up Mr. Hyde.....sorry....Dr. Jekyll.....

He is so cute, but sometimes acting like mad (well 10 minutes twice a day...). When I say mad I mean it. He is crazy. You can shout NOOOOOOO he doesn't care.... He bites our legs, feets, paws..... But he is so cute..... Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

23 commentaires:

Hollie and Janie a dit…

you puppies are just adorable!!!

Deetz a dit…

I think I would not let him sleep...he is just re-charging himself for more biting. Keep him awake as long as you can.
Kissy noses

Cassidy a dit…

You too are too adorable! Now I am one, does that mean I can't be a silly puppy, noooo!

Cassidy x

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Aaaaw he looks so good. It is difficult to imagine him having mad moments and chewing your toes.

Molly and Taffy xx

Jake of Florida a dit…

Chere Veronique,

As the saying goes, Life is Merrier with a Terrier -- or two!!!

xxxx Jake and Just Harry

Asta a dit…

pas cet ange,hehehehe
they awe soooo good when they sneep

what dolls
smoochie bisous

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Awwwww how sweet. Faya would you be more comfortable on a cushion? lol.

Noah xx

Georgeous a dit…

There's nothing quite like sleeping flat out on your back.
Great to see Faya getting her beauty sleep whilst Dyos recharges for more naughtiness.
Mum say's she is sOoOoo good with him, she says I may have eaten him by now if he was my brother,

... maybe it's a girls job bringing up puppies???

Love George

Gus a dit…

Ahhh Puppies. Please bottle some puppy breath and send it to muzzer so we don't end up with another one!



Dandy Duke a dit…

hehehehehe Two pooped pups! shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kirby a dit…

That is just too cute! Faya and Dyos are ADORABLE! I hope the sleepy time gave Mom and Dad a break too! He he!!

Your pal,

Lorenza a dit…

Faya and Dyos are so cute!
I just can imagine Dyos has endless energy!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Gooberique!

Did Faya teach Dyos to sleep on his back too? It's like he's trying to imitate everything she does... even when he's unconscious.

Please tell Faya that I love her belly!

Goober love & smooches,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Sounds like Scruffy when he was a pup...that biting was a spray bottle and give him a little spritz when he does the bitey stuff!!!

Good luck...and buy a lot of Bandaids!

Love you sweet Faya...and kissies to Dyos!


Boo Casanova a dit…

haha. there were times i wish i have camera with me too to film the crazy dopey.

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Aw they both look so sweet napping together

~ Girl girl

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Haha...I like the term Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Mom says I act like Dyos when I was little too...maybe it's a boy thing? hehe! =P


Simba and Jazzi a dit…

He certainly wakes up ready to go. Is that why they say, let sleeping dogs lie?!

Simba x

Amber-Mae a dit…

Tooo funny! You both sleeping in the same position, I think. Couldn't really see Dyos actually. Well, puppies are always mad!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Georgeous a dit…

George has a placed message for you on his site. But you may be too tired to accept his invitation.

The Airechicks a dit…


That video is TOO cute....

What a wonderful sight - two SLEEPING terriers....don't see that much around our place...

Play hard - sleep harder....


Thank you for sharing with us!!

the many Bs a dit…

it looks like the two of them are completely worn out. too cute!


Agatha and Archie a dit…

AH HA!! PL2 says to tell you that Reggie her welsh terrier when he was a puppy would be fast asleep....get up run like a crazy dog around the house at a million miles an hour...and then go right back to sleep!!!!! A welshie thing!! Love A+A