lundi 8 septembre 2008

I am so suis épuisée....

I have to teach him dois tout lui apprendre :
How to drink, à boire...

A manger, how to eat....

How to eat an ice-cream....comment manger de la glace....

How to play....comment jouer....

Ok, sometimes I have to tell him who is the dois des fois lui redire qui est le patron...

Là, il apprend à être "Bogart"...there he is, trying to be as good as "Bogart"...

Vous comprenez que dès qu'il fait ça.....Now I hope you soon as he does this......

I do fais ça.....

25 commentaires:

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

Dang Faya!!! You are one good sister for helping him early on with all of his life lessons!

I only have one concern, have you taught him the best way to grow and keep up his nose? I mean, I think this is really important. I understand that no nose will ever be as beautiful as yours, but still...

Hehehehehe, ahhhh your nose...I dream about it I do! I found that I especially like when your nose is wet and glistening in the sun! Hehehehe!

Get some good rest, Faya! It sounds like the little guy is a lot of work!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

BenTheRotti a dit…

What an amazing sister you are! I'm not sure I have the energy to do all that, maybe I should rethink this whole brother/sister thing.. then again the two of you look SO adorable together.. maybe it is worth all that energy!

love and kisses,

Ben xxxxx

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Awww...I can't help gushing when I see you and Dyos together! You sure make great siblings! The photo of him trying to imitate Bogart is so cute!


The Black and Tans. a dit…

Golly Faya, he is certainly keeping you on your paws. It is a very good idea to keep to your Beauty sleep routine when the little fellow is snoozing.
I just pray he does not grow up to be bossy like Taffy. Well if he does Faya, just let me know and I can give you hints on how to deal with it! :-)


Gus a dit…

Aha! the realities of having a sibling. It is exhausting, right? And you are doing an exceptionally good job. Keep resting whenever you can, that is the very best idea.


Taky a dit…

Vous être trop beaux tout les deux ... dis donc Faya ... c'est du boulot tout ça ...

Je suis vraiment impatiente d'arriver en octobre pour te revoir et faire enfin la connaissance de Dyos ...

Ma Pat aussi ... elle se creuse déjà la tête pour voir où elle va vous emmener promener ...

Grosse léchouille à vous 2 et bisouille de la Pat à toute la famille

Deetz a dit… are such a good big sister. I like your picture of you sleeping in a sunbeam.

Asta a dit…

Dyos will be so pawfectly twianed wif youw help, but it must be vewy exhausting, I bet you have a good west aftew all that..Youb look wondewful, and Dyos is so cute..Boggie would be pwoud of him wif that hooge stickie, heheh
smoochie bisous

Dandy Duke a dit…

It looks like Dyos is wearing both of you out, Faya! hehehehe
You are the best sissy EVER!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonyme a dit…

Belle série de photos, pas besoin d'explications....les images parlent d'elles même, Trufs et trufs + bisous.

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

You two are so incredibly cute together... Faya I'm sure it's difficult having a little one around, you're a sweet older sister!!!

And Dyos, nice work with the stick my friend!!!


Anonyme a dit…

Oh quel boulot.........
Je comprends que tu sois épuisée...
Un repos bien mérité !!!

Stanley a dit…


I'm whiped out just looking at all the photos, which are stinkin' cute, by the way!

I completely LOVE how you show him who is boss. You know he'll forget it tomorrow & you'll have to show him again, but he'll eventually get it.

Be sure to make the kid respect your rest time. You need it now more than ever!

Goober love & smooches,

Georgeous a dit…

Ah Faya, you and Veronique must be very tired! You look exhausted on your foot stall, but beautiful in the sun rays - sweet dreamzZzzZZZZ
With Love & Kissies

Noah the Airedale a dit…

No wonder you're tired Faya but you're so good at teaching Dyos everything. He'd be lost without you. Dyos is going to be so clever with all your help.

ps. We love the photo of Dyos in your mouth hee hee

the many Bs a dit…

he sure is a cute little guy. we can see why you are having so much fun with him. you two look absolutely adorable together.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Oh must be exhausted. Child care is just very tiring, isn't it? That picture of you napping in the sunshine is adorable. I bet Dyos is getting bigger and bigger each day!

Is he making STAINS?

Hopefully, Veronique has a lot of puppy patience!

Lot of love and kisses!


Kirby a dit…

Faya, I don't blame you for being tired. I'm tired after looking at what you've been teaching Dyos. With all of your instruction, I'm sure he will be a wonderful Welshie! Keep up the great work with the little guy!!

Your pal,

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Sure you have a big responsability!
But you are doing it great!
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova a dit…

oh faya, i'm sure you are one tired dog same goes to dyo. you two are having so much fun just like me and dopes.

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi a dit…

Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.

Simba x

Cassidy a dit…

He is a little pocket rocket! Hope you manage to have lots of little naps Faya!

Cassidy x

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

You're doing a pawsome job teaching him Faya. :)

~ Girl girl

The Airechicks a dit…


You are a wonderful BIG sister.

You both are very cute....

Congrats on figure out napping when he naps....


Amber-Mae a dit…

You area great sister & a good teacher too! You teach him new things & good manners. You will be a good kindergarten teacher Faya!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer