jeudi 25 septembre 2008 this painful ? Aïe.... ça fait mal ?

Ok, let me see what kind of pictures she took with her handy....voyons quelles sont ces photos prises avec son natel..... aïe .... oups.... I remember this one.....I saw a squirrel but I was on leash .....ah oui je me souviens....j'ai vu un écureuil mais elle a pas lâché la laisse.....
...and this one...ok Dyos is doing everything like me.....I sit.....he sits......
...Là c'est Dyos qui fait tout comme moi.... je m'assois, il s'assoit.....
......aïe....oups.....He did it, not me ! C'est lui qui l'a fait, pas moi !....même en dormant, il fait comme moi....even by sleeping he is copying me...

Besides, Veronique is sad. Stupid people leave messages telling her to learn english before blogging. She is loosing the motivation.....

26 commentaires:

Lacy a dit…

w00f's Faya and Dyos, grrrr that makes me sooo mad that some so called humans wood make nasty comments about somebodies language...dont they after all no that DWB's is a community of peoples and their furkids from all over the world..thats what most of us love about it, the diversity...learning another language and about anothers culture...hehee wonder what they think of my bloggie, we talk country hillbilly redneck talk...please tell veronique not to pay attentioon to people like that...i love ur bloggie and wouldnt want u to change any of it...thank you, now me will b quiet..

b safe,
~rocky and company~

Asta a dit…

Oh Faya
Pleez ignowe the stoooooopid hoomans..Vewonique speaks bettew English than most amewicans...I can't believe some people awe so huwtful and ignowant.

We love you and would miss evewy moment we see you pleez don't be sad.

Dyos and you look soo pawfect togethew..wemembew..I LOVE yOU and so does Mommi and evewyone I know..and the othews don't count
smoochie bisous

Willow the Black Dale a dit…

No no no...never stop blogging! We love your blog. We always read it! There are days we may not comment, bad us, we would miss Faya and Dyos and Veronique!
We hate those kinds of people Faya! You tell Veronique that mom only knows a tiny bit of french and appreciates the english your mom writes for those of us who DON'T speak french. Your DWB friends don't care what language you could just show us pictures and we would be happy!!!

speaking of pictures.....your brother really loves you and you are a great big sister!!!!.
smooches and hugs and whatever language you may speak....
Willow and her Compound

Kirby a dit…


I love that Veronique posts in both English and French. Mom is practicing her French (it's been years for her) and hopefully one of these days, I can post to YOU in your language!! I love seeing what you and now Dyos are up to. I'm so excited to see him grow up and see you teach him to be a wonderful dog. Please ignore the mean people of this world and remember your friends that love you and love to see what you are up to. Licks to you ALL!!!!

Your pal,

Gus a dit…

Faya, Veronique and Dyos

We don't care what language you post in, we will read your blog anyway. Veronique has very good English...way better than Muzzer's French, or E.Rabbit's Italian. We love having the English translation at hand, and thank Veronique for doing it...but I have been making muzzer read the French part FIRST! and I think she has gotten a bit better at it.

many kisses to all, muchos besos a todos, tanti bacci a tutti

pee esss...muzzer says she can always find ways to say what is important.

Dandy Duke a dit…

Tell your mom that she speaks English beautifully, Faya! We love your blog and we understand you PERFECTLY!!!!
Dyos is so cute immitating everything you do! You're the perfect sissy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. a dit…

What a mean person to be so horrid to you!
We, like everybody else, love to read your blog. The stories and photos of Faya and Dyos are always delightful.
We bet the person who wrote that remark cannot speak 2 languages as well as you do.
Please keep blogging.
Molly and Taffy xx

Ruby Bleu a dit…

Please tell Veronique to ignore those silly comments. Blogging is for all people from all countries and it just wouldn't be the same without you and cute little Dyos!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya, Dyos and of course, Gooberique!!!

Sadly, some people are just plain ignorant and say some of the most supremely stupid stuff to good pups and people. (If you tell me who it was, I'll go gooberfy them... and I don't mean in a good way.)

Gooberique is one of the most clever bloggers out there... giving us translations. Of COURSE she posts in French... it's her native language... DUH! We're just glad she wants to share you and Dyos with the world, otherwise we would miss your fuzzy faces and I would be suffering from FWS (Faya Withdrawal Syndrome)!

It looks to me like you are totally imprinting on Dyos. Most of what he does he does because he sees YOU do it first. That happened with Stella & I. Even now, if she doesn't want to sit down before going outside (our girl makes us sit at the door before we can go out) she looks at me, sees me sitting down, and then decides she better just sit.

You and Dyos were meant to be together!! He is the luckiest little Welshie Boy to have you for his big sissy!

So tell me, does he talk a lot or is he pretty quiet (hehehe) most of the time?

Goober love & smooches,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Oh My Faya....

I may have to make AN ANTI STOOPID SMOOTHIE and send it to whomever wrote that. WE LOVE UR BLOG. And Mumsie always reads the French part...she hasn't studied French since highschool...but so many words have come back to her!!! Like the other Lacy said; blogs are about diversity and learning.

Fooey on them.

That Dyos surely looks up to you as the perfect Big Sissy!! He's a little mimic!

Love you lots!!!!!


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
I know some bad words in spanish for that person who wrote that!
Veronique does a great job whit your post and we all love them!
Don't pay attention to mean people!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs a dit…

no!no! no! Veronique has WONDERFUL english. oh we don't like it when somebody says things like that.

we love those pictures of you two together. you are so adorable. we thinks Dyos admires you, Faya, and he wants to be just like you. so cute.


Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Faya & Dyos,

Please tell your mama that her english is fantastic and absolutely no problem to understand - and that my mama thinks it's incredibly cool that your mama writes in two languages!!! It's one of the many things that makes your blog SO SPECIAL :)

Bogart & Lulu

Anonyme a dit…

Voilà je fais mon ptit tour sur des photos ma fois fortes rigolottes, tu mets un carbonne ou quoi ? A bientôt tout mon ptit monde, gros bisous, trufs rt trufs.

Snowball a dit…

Faya, Please tell Veronique that her English is perfect.Dun be bothered by some stupid comments.

I love your blog please dun lose motivation in blogging. Dun bother to delete such comment the next time just to show that stupid someone that it does not bother you.

BTW, Dyos is growing bigger real fast. I bet you must be annoyed to have a copy cat/dog next to you all the time. There is a maltese here who try imitate me. I sit she sits,she even sit in the same position as I. She even has to sniff whatever I am sniffing, etc... and I dun like it at all.

I am lucky that jie jie is not allowed to have another dog.


Simba and Jazzi a dit…

You look so cute together.I'm sorry you have had horrid messages, ignore the nasty people, we love you.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Dont worry about those silly people Faya.
We love you, Veronique and Dyos just the way you are now

~ Girl girl

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Véronique, Faya et Dyos. La preuve que tous les "c..." ne sont pas enfermés. J'aimerai bien voir comment cet idiot se débrouille dans une autre langue (encore faut-il en savoir une deuxième). Non mais... il cherche des histoires... il va avoir la Nounou sur le dos....
Et Dyos.. t'aime pas le filet de l'auto.. avoue.. lol. Bisous à tous. Nicole dit la Nounou

Noah the Airedale a dit…

OMG I can't believe some people. Who could be so stupid.....grrrrr people totally make us soooooo cranky. Faya, please tell Veronique to just ignore those idiots out there. I'm going to bite the people that upset my friends.
All your pics are just gorgeous.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The Airechicks a dit…

Faya & Dyos -

Stupid people write STUPIDER messages.

Please DO NOT let the stupid people win - we think they're just jealous since they've opened their mouths and EVERYONE can see how clever they AREN'T.

We luv that Dyos - is a MINI FAYA!!!!!

We luv V's English/French style helps us to understand Taky's blog,
and we really like to look at the pictures too......



Asta a dit…

Faya Et Dyos,
J'espewe que tu awe feeling mieux!
Quelque peuples sont STUPID!
Nous l'aimons ton Blog
I wish we could speak bootiful awe mewveilleux!
have a bon weekend
smoochie bisous

Deetz a dit…

Awe have a shadow now....Dyos is so adorable but never as adorable as you are....

Anonyme a dit…

and don't you dear to stop blogging because of some stupid people don't understand us. That is called racism...
And no we didn't went to the police because they don't do anything here in these cases unless the other dog hasn't died. There isn't point to make notice cause it can be very expensive, in most cases you pay your own bills.... But if something like this happens again we will go...
Good news is that our camera is repaired ad we will get it back next week....And then I'll take a picture of my wound.
Lots of kisses to you Faya and Dyos

Georgeous a dit…

Ah Faya, you have been having such a lovely time! Dyos grows and changes so quickly.
You always look pretty, no matter what you wear, you have great taste.
Love & Kissies George x

erin a dit…

I like how Dyos copies you. I wonder if it will be like that when I get my sister?
PS I think your mom blogs in English very well.

Anonyme a dit…

et alors ? on s'en fiche des gens qui on l'audace de critiquer ton english !
allez continues :o) nous on adore !
becs Jack & cie