jeudi 15 novembre 2007

Dysplasie..... peut-être.... Maybe dysplasia...

I have to go next week for some x-ray. But for this I will have to be sleepy....
La semaine prochaine je vais passer des radios mais pour ça je devrai être sous narcose....
Who can tell me more about dysplasia.... Qui peut m'en dire plus sur la dysplasie ?

23 commentaires:

Taky a dit…

Bonjour Faya ...

Je ne connais malheureusement rien à la Dysplasie ...

Mais c'est vraiment pas cool ce qui t'arrive ...

Tu dois rester tranquil jusqu'à jeudi ? ça fait mal ?

Grosse léchouille .... on pense fort à toi ici ...

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

Oh Faya, I hope all is well with your x-ray. Paws crossed from your English girlfriend


bouledepoil a dit…

hello ! j'espère pas !!
avant tout il faut attendre le résultats des radios !

il y a 2 sorte de dysplasies : 1 la dysplasie congénitale qui aparrait entre 8 mois et 15 mois ,
elle s'opère mais il faudra quand m^me bien réfléchir à la question et discuter avec le véto.

2 la dysplasie de vieillesse dite arthrose on peut aussi l'opèrer ou donner des médics elle arrive en générale vers les 8 10 ans

toute la famille pense à vous et attend des nouvelles concernant Faya . bisous
famille juju

Harry a dit…

Pauvre Faya! I hope it is not dysplasia. We have fingers and paws crossed.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Gus a dit…

Hoping for good results on the xray, and sending you patience from Teka Toy (she doesn't use it anyway) to take it easy on your poor hip.


Anonyme a dit…

Tite Faya tu trouveras plein de renseignements ici :

En espérant que tu guérisses rapidement. Papouilles

Anonyme a dit…

J'espère de tout coeur que ce ne soit pas ça.Truftrufs Faya et bisous à vous 2.

Anonyme a dit…

coucou je viens te dire bonjour ici parce que de l'autre côté ils sont tous un peu cinglé !

c'est quoi cette histoire de dysplasie ? Elle boîtait ?

Véronique a remarqué quelque chose de bizarre et elle t'a amené chez le véto ?

vite explique moi ?

Anonyme a dit…

Mais tu ne penses pas que c'est plutôt les ligaments croisés ?
c'est assez typique ! Patte arrière, ça revient quand elle fait la folle, tu me rediras mais je pense assez à ça je dois dire, en tout cas je te souhaite le meilleur pour toi et pour faya

Jake of Florida a dit…

Grosses bises, Faya. Tenons-nous au courant. Bonne chance, chere copine.

Jake and Just Harry

Asta a dit…

Oh no Faya
hip dysplasia?? that sounds painful..can they help??? I suwe hope so..I'm going to come by , since I'm in Euwope, and see if I can't help cheew you up
smoochie bisous

Anonyme a dit…

Voulais juste faire une caresse amicale à Faya et un soutien à Véro. Nuka la chienne Akita Inu de ma mère a dû faire des radiographies...heureusement ce n'était rien de grave...juste musculaire.
Excellente fin de soirée

Dandy Duke a dit…

We're sending lots of AireZen your way, Faya! Paws are crossed that the x-rays don't show hip dysplasia!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball a dit…

Faya, I hope you do not have hip dysplasia. I am keeping my paw crossed for you. I hope for good results from your Xray. Rest well for now.

Luv and kisses,


Boo Casanova a dit…

faya, i'm so sorry about your leg. well, i got sleepy when i went for my surgery (boy bits) last dec. i was drowsy for 2 days! wishing you luck faya.

wet wet licks


Lacy a dit…

woofies Faya, me hopies u gets well not likies to sees me fends in pain...hope de vets can give ya meds so u not hurts so will c watt me can find out bout hip dysplasia...

b safe,

Asta a dit…

I hope my visit this aftewnoon cheewed you up! Thank you fow the yummy food
smoochie kisses and get well licks

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Dear Faya
We have everything crossed for you that it is not dysplasia.
Good luck and we're all thinking of you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

The Black and Tans. a dit…

We are thinking of you Faya. Hope all goes well when you have your x-ray.

Take care.

Molly and Taffy

Amber-Mae a dit…

Oh no, I hoppe it's not. I have a pronounce sway & my hoomans & many people thought I got dysplasia too but just few weeks ago, the doctor confirmed it's not. Coz I would limp like you & feel pain in my hip.

Faya, all your mom has to do is to run her hands down from your waist to your hips & feel if anything is jutting out of your hips. If it's smooth, then it's not HD but if it is not & she feels something sticking out, then you better get an x-ray of your hips.

Maybe it's not really HD but maybe you accidentally twisted your leg maybe foot or your hip bone.

I was born fine but I was the first dog & my hoomans did not know much about HD & slippery floors then. So they played fetch with me on wet slippery tiled floors everyday & I kept on having bad falls & once, I slammed into the main gate. So I think, that was how I got hip problem but my legs are still very strong. I can still run, jump & do sports like agility.

Also ask your mom, to pull your leg back straight a few times & feel whether there's a 'cluck cluck' sound in your hip bone. If yes, then something is not smooth. Either the knuckle is not smooth or it is not in the socket becoz the socket's narrow.

But have an x-ray first & see whether it is HD or not. My paws are crossed for you dear...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

the many Bs a dit…

Oh Faya, we hope you are okay. hip displasia is not good, but you can have a surgery and be okay. we have our paws crossed for you.
healing woofers.

Kirby a dit…

Dear Faya,

I hope your x-rays show that everything is OK. I've had a whole bunch of x-rays taken when I was limping all the time. Turns out I was growing too fast and had panosteitis or 'growing pains'. It took four different sets of x-rays and a trip to a specialist to figure it out. I've got my paws crossed that all will be fine with you. You'll be in my thoughts!!

Your pal,

Stanley a dit…

Faya girl!

You are on my mind, and I hope you hear soon what is going on with your hip and leg. Make sure Gooberique gives you plenty of hugs and smooches, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

We'll walk through this with you. Hope it is something very simple and something that heals easily.

Goober love,