dimanche 11 novembre 2007

Enfin de la neige.....snow....finally !

Aujourd'hui on est allé voir la neige....bon d'accord, il n'y en a pas beaucoup mais c'est déjà ça. Et comme j'adore la neige j'en ai bien profité.

Today I have been looking for snow and I found it. There is not much but it is enough for me to play and digg....

envoyé par Foxfamilly

I hope I will not have to wait another month to have more snow... oui j'espère que je ne vais pas attendre encore un mois pour en avoir encore plus...

22 commentaires:

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

Looks like fun... but are you really supposed to eat it? I can't wait to see snow for the first time.


the many Bs a dit…

Hi Faya, lucky you! we love snow. it's so much fun to eat and play in. we hope you get a lot more snow and then you can send some to us!

Dandy Duke a dit…

You are sooooooooooooo lucky, Faya! I can't wait for snow to fall here! Mitch has never really seen it or played in it yet! He's going to love it too!

Love ya lots,

Kirby a dit…

Hi Faya,

Can't wait for it to snow here!!! You are such a lucky pooch. I hope you had a good time playing in all that glorious white stuff!

Your pal,

Gus a dit…

oh my...snow.real snow.

Looks like a great time.


Anonyme a dit…

Oh Faya... that looks awesome!!! I am so jealous of your snow! I am glad you are enjoying it.

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!!

You are so cute munching on the snow. I thought we might get some snow here soon, but then today it was very warm and humid - almost 28 degrees C. Very weird.

Wish I could play in that snow with you! Stay warm!

Goober love,
Your brother, Stanley

Boo Casanova a dit…

snow! faya, quick put some in the jar to store it.

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Woh you got snow! That's so awsome. Does snow taste yummy?

~ Girl girl

Harry a dit…

Tu as de la chance Faya! Il fait très froid aujourd'hui ici, mais il n'y a pas de neige :-(

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...

Ouah .. quelle chance tu as ... moi je ne l'ai pas encore vue la neige ... je suis restée à Genève ce week-end ...

Je suis aussi contente de voir que tu es en meilleure forme ...

J'étais un peu absente ... mais je revoilà ...

Grosse léchouille

the many Bs a dit…

Hey Faya, thanks for your comment about the tail docking and ear cropping in Switzerland. we wish it was that way here. that is very cool for you, and we don't like that custom of having our tails chopped off for no reason.


Agatha and Archie a dit…

Oh you are SOOOOOOO lucky!! Eating snow!!!!!!! We can't wait!! Love A+A

Jake of Florida a dit…


De la neige? Deja? Quel bonheur.

What am I saying? I've never seen snow, but it looks like a lot of fun.

As for teaching my humans a lesson, usually they are very very careful. Dogdad was just distracted by the quantities of "stuff" he was transporting outside -- and he trusted us. He did feel so guilty afterwards that he actually baked us treats himself, and they are yum, yum. yummy!!

Enjoy the snow. I guess you can't send us any, can you???

Just Harry

Snowball a dit…

Faya, How do the snow taste? Looks like you like it a lot. I can only imagine winter with the air con on to the lowest temperature.


Asta a dit…

Oh Faya!!!
La neige! supewbe!!! I wish I could come play in it with you it's sooo bootiful..I hope you have a fantabulous time!
smoochie kisses

Nounours a dit…

Bigre, comment diable peut-on aimer la neige ? Il fait froid, il fait gris, on est obligé de sortir avec ses gros manteaux, son bonnet, le bout de ses pattes se gèle, le nez coule, les oreilles sont rouges... ahem, mais c'est vrai, tu n'as pas besoin de manteau, toi. Huhu.

Asta a dit…

My Sweet! I'm sad to heaw youw footie is not well..I hope the doktow can help..if you need me you have only to say! I will wun ovew wight away to help nuwse you!
I will give youw love and good wishes to Jackson!
good luck with the vet!
smoochie gwos bisous

Sunshade a dit…

You got snow ALREADY??? I'm jealous, I want snow TOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

ps. shhhhhh....don't tell others I said I love STINKY ok??

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Sunshade a dit…

Hi Hi pretty Faya,

Jaffaman LOVE LOVE treat treats, thank you thank you!

STINKY licks,

The Black and Tans. a dit…


You are sooooooooo lucky. We are hoping to have loads of snow this winter.

Molly and Taffy

Lenny a dit…

That snow looks délicieux!
Does your hip hurt? I hope you feel better!

Your friend, Lenny