lundi 5 novembre 2007

Et voilà.... c'est fait !

Today I had my first bath and.....I smell good and I am happy... I won't do that every day but once a year it is ok ! Voilà, aujourd'hui j'ai eu mon premier bain et .... je sens bon et je suis contente. Bon faudrait pas que ça devienne une habitude mais une fois l'an ça va.

Regardez ce que Véronique a rapporté (pour elle pas pour moi...). Look what Véronique brought (for herself not for me...)....

envoyé par Foxfamilly

envoyé par Foxfamilly

20 commentaires:

Amber-Mae a dit…

LOL! That doggie is sooo funny with its ears flapping like that! I think I would freak out if I'd see anything like that in my house...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke a dit…

What a cute stuffy! Did you sniff his butt yet, Faya?
How did you like your first bath? I bet you're getting lots of hugs today! Am I right?!

Love ya lots,

Anonyme a dit…

J'adooooooooooore !!! Je sens que je vais le mettre sur ma liste au papa noël celui là ;-)

Vi Faya, je sais, tu t'attendais à une visite de Chaton, mais il est en train de se livrer à son activité favorite alors j'en profite pour t'écrire un tit mot en mon nom pour une fois :-))) Mais 'ten fais pas, je lui montrerai tout ça demain matin ;-)

Asta a dit…

I saw you inviting that cute doggie to play,but all he wanted to do was flap his eaws and dance,hehehe, that must have been fwustwating!
Oh I bet you smell wondewful..I had a bath today too. I got vewy diwty at the pawk yestewday,heheh
smoochie kisses

Gus a dit…

oh no, all this talk of baths is very depressing. I am due, but I am hiding beneath the desk. hope I don't get found.

Just think, you were complaining that your life was boring!


Boo Casanova a dit…

faya, for reason unknown to me i am unable to view your videos. :(

anyway, from other comments i know your mom got herself a soft toy doggie?

wet wet licks


Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya!

I find it so hard to believe that you have never had a bath before now! You must be naturally sweet smelling for the hoomans to not make you wash up more. Glad it went okay.

That stuffy was cracking me up, but I thought he was a little rude flapping his ears at you everytime you tried to play with him. Also, I LOVED hearing your voice! You're usually so quiet.

Goober love,
Your brother STanley

Anonyme a dit…

C'est trop marant cette peluche.Elle donne même des baffes à Faya,on est obligé de rire quand on voit ça.Truftrufs et à vendredi.

Mojo, Digger and family a dit…

Ha ha! I love the way you only barked right at the end - just in case it barked back. Now, if only we could make our ears do that, we could be tv stars.

And lucky you having your first bath - I have to get showered down about every 10 days because I play around in the canal every day. After a while, I stink.

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Hi Faya
That pup is so cute. You looked like you were having fun playing with it.
Did you enjoy your bath? We always go crazy after we have a bath.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Anonyme a dit…

Excellent cette peluche hihihi
Quand elle frétille des noreilles trop drôle...
Ben Faya tu ne l'a pas encore grignottée ???

Anonyme a dit…

il est chou et j'adore sa couleur, bonne Tapouilles et pensées pour vous ;-)

Harry a dit…

Quel joli chien! Et tu aimes le bain ou non Faya?

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Anonyme a dit…

Oh Faya... that was too much! I am glad you have it a good woof.

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Wow we are amazed that you didn't go for that stuffie in a bigger way!!!!!!!!!!! Love A+A

Snowball a dit…

That pup looks really cute. I love its flying ears. I bet I will be barking at him non stop if its does that in front of me.


Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Woh you only need to bath once a year? I'm sure many dogs are very jealous of you now. Your new puppy is cute. Does he have a name?

~ Girl girl

Asta a dit…

MY Sweet Faya!!
I'm glad if I can make you giggle and have's gotten a lot colder all of a sudden hope you'we staying wawm
smoochie bisous!

The Thuglets a dit…

Faye what a great stuffie toy - those flapping ears are fabo!!

Glad you enjoyed your bath and thats it fo a year now!lol

Holly says thank you for her birthday wishes.

The Thugletsx

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Ses oreilles écoutent évidemment Mozart...

Quelle surprise merveilleuse pour Faya!

Sephie & Buster