mercredi 7 mai 2008

May 8th National Stuffie Appreciation Day....8 Mai, journée internationale des doudous

C'est Mr. T-Bone Beasley qui est l'investigateur de cette belle et grande journée ! This nice and great day is Mr. T-Bone Beasley's idea. I will show you some of my stuffies and tell you why I love them. Je vais vous présenter quelques unes de mes peluches-doudous et vous expliquer pourquoi je les aime. Cette histoire d'amour pour les peluches remonte à ma plus tendre enfance. This love story between stuffies and I started when I was a little pup. I received this one from Véronique when I was still to my breeder. J'ai reçu celle-ci de Véronique quand j'étais encore chez mon éleveuse. And this one the day I came home. Et celle-ci le jour de mon arrivée à la maison. I have now so many stuffies and yes... I love them all ! J'ai maintenant tellement de je les aime tous tendrement.
Bon je dois admettre qu'il y en a deux que j'aime beaucoup beaucoup. I have to admit that I particularly love those two : - Monsieur Poisson, he makes a funny fait un drôle de bruit (n'est-ce-pas Maggie & Mitch ?).......and Monsieur Cochon.....HE IS MY BEST FRIEND, C'EST MON MEILLEUR POTE ! I love the noise he makes : oink oink like a real pig (ask Stanley and Stella's mom if you don't believe me....) Il fait le même bruit qu'un vrai cochon (ce qui énerve fortement Véronique)...A côté de ça, hors de ma portée, il y a les intouchables. And I have also some "untouchable". Véronique keep them out of my range. Ils sont hors de portée. Il y a Mme la Poule....I received Mme la Poule from Santa Claus himself.......yes I meet him ! Je l'ai reçue du père Noël. Oui je l'ai rencontré ! (..and he loves il m'aime très très fort et je l'aime aussi).... ....and of course Mr. Oscar, the one I received from the Dog of my Life : Oscar ! Et M. Oscar que j'ai reçu du Chien de ma Vie : Oscar.....

And now, for my dear friend Mr. T-Bone Beasley, pictures of me and M. Cochon. Et pour mon ami Mr. T-Bone Beasley, des photos de moi avec M. Cochon.

Let's celebrate our stuffies ! They deserve it ! Célébrons nos amis les doudous, ils le méritent bien.

24 commentaires:

Maya and Kena a dit…

Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day Faya!!
What a great day! All your stuffies are so cool!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Sure this Stuffie Appreciation Day is great!
Thanks for sharing your stuffies with us!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae a dit…

The 1st picture is just simply adorable! You sure looked like Mitchy boy, Maggie's little brudder when you both were younger...Let's give a little bit of TLC to our beloved stuffies! Unfortunately, I have none that are my favorite. BOL!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

You have so many cute stuffies. I love that first photo of you with your duckie.

~ Girl girl

Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

What a great apprecitaion you showed for your stuffies! Best post ever Faya! Your oinking pig looks like a lot of fun! Hehehe, you made me and my human laugh! You have sooooo many cool stuffies! I particularly think that big pink snake like thing is totally awesome!

Faya, if I could send you my owl bed I's like a ginormous stuffie!

Great Blog Faya! Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

I have a pig like that, only my one is pink.

Simba xx

Boo Casanova a dit…

faya, so many stuffies. am jealous! i think dopey will be in heaven if he sees all the stuffies.

wet wet licks


Dandy Duke a dit…

Mitch just loves his crunchy catfish, Faya! Luckily it's one of his stuffies that's still alive and he gets to play with it!
You sure have a lot of stuffies to appreciate!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Harry a dit…

Salut Faya! Ca va? Il fait beau chez toi?

Je vois le Kong Wubba aussi, tu l'aime?

Toodle pip
Harry x

Deetz a dit…

Hi Faya
I sent T Bone the big ducky with a green neck. I think I am the only one in the whole world that has a AFLAC duckie. That picture of you with the big duckie, was so cute Faya.. My mummy and me enjoyed your photos. Happy Stuffie Day

Anonyme a dit…

my dog would be al Gore ! my dog is also a celebrity ! et je souhaite une joyeuse fête aux doudous de faya ! pour ma part j'ai fait la fête au mien ! Becs Jack

Jake of Florida a dit…

Quelle collection de peluches!!!

Mom is too lazy to photograph our stuffies -- and too embarrassed to show you all of her personal collection. Let's just say we have a bunch!!!

We loved seeing all your favorites, Faya. Thanks for sharing.

Jake and Just Harry

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Hi Faya kiss kiss
You look so happy surrounded by all your stuffies. We hope you had a great National Stuffie Appreciation Day.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Thor and Jack a dit…

Happy Stuffie Appreciation Day, Faya!
Your stuffies are pretty cool!
I love the first photo of you and your duck!

Love and licks

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hello Faya

We love all your stuffies, it was lovely to have an Appreciation day for them all wasn't it.

Molly and Taffy

BrandytheGreat a dit…

You have such cute stuffies!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Holy Terrier, Faya...ya have a lot of Stuffies!!! That pig is fab...did you buy that at home or can it be ordered on line????? Let us know!!!!!

You were one cute girly pup...ur post started us thinkin' bout Oscar again...he was one special doggie wasn't he???

Barkies, Faya!!


Persephone and Buster a dit…

Faya, tu as une élégante collection de doudous! Nous aimons particulièrement Monsieur Cochon et le canard géant. Cette photo de vous comme chiot avec le canard n'a pas de prix!


Persephone et Buster

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, you have got some really nice stuffies there. do you ever chew them up and destroy them, or do you always take good care of them? they all look wonderful. our mom has some stuffies that she keeps out of our reach too. silly moms.


BenTheRotti a dit…

Gosh you have a lot of stuffies!! I think i need to be having a word with my Mum.. clearly I have been deprived in this area I don't have half as many as you!!

Hope you had a very happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day

Ben xxxxx

Kirby a dit…

Hi Faya,

Your stuffies look great! I really like your snake, but I love your pige. They are so cool looking! Keep up the stuffie love.

Your pal,

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Oh Faya,You are just too too tooo cute.We LOVE all the pictures of you and your stuffies!!!!!!!Love and kisses A+A

Princess Patches a dit…

Faya, you were such a cute puppy and now you are such a bootiful Aire-girl. We really like all your stuffie photos!

Poppy & Penny

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Sissy Faya!

How I wish I was one of your stuffies! They get to snuggle with you and get your kissies! I love being your brother, but wish we could meet snout-to-snout!

Goober love & smooches,
Your Brother Stanley