mercredi 15 octobre 2008

And it costs only CHF 10.00 (~12.00 USD)....seulement

This afternoon Véronique came home with something for us ! Aujourd'hui Véronique nous a rapporté quelque chose ! Elle a dit que ça ne coûtait que 10.00 francs. She said it was only 10.00 francs......hummmm voyons voyons......let's see.........Dyos...hahahaha he cannot read ! Dyos....hahahaha il ne sait même pas lire ! .... I had to check with Dad..... J'ai regardé avec l'homme...oui oui oui...très intéressant......hum hum very interesting.....oups Dad....are you sure ? Heuuuu t'es sûr de toi ?Woooohooooo !!!!!??????!!!!!!?????? Do you think I am not too heavy for this ? Tu ne crois pas que je suis trop lourde ? (I said heavy...not fat !! J'ai dit lourde, pas grosse hein !!!)Hééééé c'est génial....yeah it is nice !But I think I am going to have troubles....mais je vais avoir des problèmes....I cannot sleep if someone is touching ne peux pas dormir si quelqu'un me touche......And this STUPID woman only bought ONE !!!!! And it was only 10.-- francs !!!!!!Cette idiote de femme n'en a acheté qu' il était seulement 10.-- francs !!!!

...ok, she will have to go back to the shop tomorrow... bon ben elle y retournera demain.....

22 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Pas l'air de déranger Dyos d'être seul sur ce grand lit.Heu !!!! oui à chacune son feuilleton, hein Faya? Trufs et trufs et bisous.
1 Faya + 1 Dyos = 2 lits.4 pieds de lits + 4 pieds de lits = 8 papattes.

Caz and Ludo the cool dude a dit…

Fancy only buying one and so cheap i think you better get your mum down there to get another.
It looks really good you can sleep on it or jump on it and its off the floor cool no drafts.
dyos your looking good says Otto.

I just think are you coping faya with your little brother mine is wareing me out.

Ludo the cool dude

Lacy a dit…

w00f's Faya and Dyos, hmmm faya, dyos just wanted to b close to u..he trying to do what u do...cause he loves his big sissy..

b safe,

Asta a dit…

I hope youw Mommi gets anothew one of those..they weally look gweat and soo comfowtable..but youo know what? I bet, even if thewe awe two, Dyos will want to be next to you,hehehehe...who can blame him?
smoochie kissesGwos BISOUS!

Gus a dit…

Faya: I think Asta is right, Dyos will want to be next to you no matter how many of those comfy beds you have.

Gussie n Teka send many kisses

Amber-Mae a dit…

Nice bouncy bed. I think you both can share. There's enuf space for sure...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

BenTheRotti a dit…

Wow that was really cheap!! I would have made Mum buy half a dozen.. though I don't think I would actally fit on one!

Dyos looks so cute on there!!


ben xxx

Dandy Duke a dit…

OMG, what was Veronique thinking?! She has 2 dogs now so that means 2 beds!
We wouldn't want to share either, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball a dit…

That is a pawsome bed! But, Faya, I assure you that even when Veronique has gotten another bed,Dyos will still choose squeeze into the one that you are sleeping on.


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
That is a pawesome bed!
Maybe she can go back and get another one!
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova a dit…

hmm.. i doubt lil dyos will leave you alone with it. he'll wants to be on the same one with you faya.

wet wet licks


Kirby a dit…

Wow, that was a bargain! They have those beds where I get boarded and I like those. I sure hope Veronique gets another one so you and Dyos each have your own!

Your pal,

Ben & Darling a dit…

Dyos might stick to you in another new one....mayb he just like to sleep with you. hehe

slurpy licks,

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Wow...that is such a cute...what do you call that? Is it a trampoline? Looks like one...*wink* Hope your Mom will get you another one so you won't feel so cramped, but I guess Dyos just likes to get close and snuggle with you! *grins*


Noah the Airedale a dit…

Gosh that is a very good price. Guess what, we just got one of those beds too. They're great.
We love the photos Faya.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

That sure looks very fun. :)

~ Girl girl

i a dit…

Wow that's quite a fun bed! Can you do acrobatic stunts on it?

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Faya what a bargain. You definitely need to send your Mum out to get at least another one.

Molly and Taffy xx

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

I hope you get another one today. Sharing doesn't sound like much fun.

Simba x

Nounours a dit…

Mais, tu as l'air de bien t'entendre avec ton petit frès Dyos, dis donc. Vous vous êtes bien acceptés l'un l'autre, c'est très touchant. Même si vous ne pouvez pas partager la couche ! Huhu.

Cassidy a dit…

Harry doesn't like anyone next to him when he sleeps either! Cool bed though, I hope veronique managed to find another one at the shop!

Cassidy x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Wow, Faya...lookie at ur new bed! It looks a little like a baby trampoline!

Now of course I will be babysittin' Dyos during the Halloween Pawty. I was already plannin' it as I'm watching Asta's Duffy also...I have cribs for Aire Ruby already arranged and will have Dyos' bottles already prepared for feeding. He's surely getting to be a big boy!

Let me know about diapers and such!

Love, Laciegirl