dimanche 19 octobre 2008

Another great week-end ! Encore un beau week-end !

A week-end starting with Taky cannot be a bad week-end ! Un week-end qui commence avec Taky ne peut pas être un mauvais week-end !She was on the way to St-Gallen to meet Mrs. Tellington (you know T like T-Touch...) and she decided to stop to say hello and have diner and a nice walkie with me .... Elle était en route pour rencontrer Madame Tellington (de la méthode T-Touch) et elle a décidé de s'arrêter dire coucou, manger et faire une promenade avec moi !
Nous voici, here we are : VERSORECTOSearching for....nothing special....à la recherche de ...... rien de spécial.........admirant la vue ..... admiring the view.....
And today was a happy sunny day....et aujourd'hui c'était une belle journée ensoleillée....

...qui commence au jardin.....which starts in the garden ........avec un nonos....with a treat........et qui continue à la montage.....and continues with a walkie on the mountain....

Why doesn't a week have 7 sundays ?

Pourquoi la semaine n'a pas 7 dimanches ?

18 commentaires:

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Beautiful photos Miss Faya!!!!

And Dyos, your pictures always make my mama SMILE :)


Agatha and Archie a dit…

Ahhhh we agree!! WHat lovely photos!!!!! And to meet Mrs T TOuch!! PL2 has the book and the video..now she just has to find the time to read and watch it....Love A+A

Eduardo a dit…

You live in the most beautiful place in the world! Or are those doctored photos?:) When you go for a daily walk is that what you see because if it is Faya you are one lucky girl!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Stanislaw a dit…

I ask myself the same thing! Sunday are when my dad is home and he plays sock tug with me!

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
I have the same question! 7 sundays sound great to me too!
Glad you and Dyos had a great time!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs a dit…

hi Faya, you have such beautiful scenery where you live.

we wish there were all sundays in the week too. then we could play at the dog park and play with our mom all day long. **sigh**


Asta a dit…

and Dyos,
You two live in heaven..even once evewy two momfs to go to a place like that would be amazing..Mommi is getting all weepy about not being able to go to Switzzewland..I love youw pictoowes
smoochie kisses

Gus a dit…

I like the new photo at the top of your blog. I wonder what you were telling Dyos? He is paying attention well.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. And we hope you have a wonderful week


Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

Wow...those are gorgeous photos! I agree with you too...Sundays are the best! Wish there were more of those instead of one stinky day every week...*sniff*


Noah the Airedale a dit…

We wish everyday was Sunday Faya.
Looks like you had a lovely weekend.

Noah xx

Anonyme a dit…

Adorable...et la bannière n'en parlons même pas , tellement elle est à croquer.trufs et trufs et gros bisous pour la journée.

Princess Patches a dit…

We would like to have everyday be Sunday too! We like your new photo on your header! How nice that you got to see Taky again!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Amber-Mae a dit…

What bootiful views! You two had a fun walkie for sure.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke a dit…

What a beautiful spot for a walkie! We saw 3 Welshies at our Airedale event yesterday, Faya, and we thought of you and Dyos!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu a dit…

I like that idea...7 Sundays would be a great thing!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Kirby a dit…


I would love if Sunday filled the entire week. No work for Mom and Dad and they could spend the entire day with ME! Your Sunday looked so perfect. Mom says that you and Dyos live in a fairy tale land. He he! So pretty!!!

Your pal,

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

What great views. Looks like you had a great weekend.

Simba x

BrandytheGreat a dit…

We are backk, and Dyos is cute!