vendredi 17 octobre 2008

Nothing special to is autumn....magnifique automne !

Aujourd'hui c'était promenade dans le we had our walkie in the district.....
....c'est cool non ? Tout ça à 3 minutes de la maison....It is beautiful and only 3 minutes from home.....
....même les copains étaient dehors......even our friends where outside to say hello !
Hello ! And have a nice week-end ! Bon week-end à tous !
PS : I have my own bed....Véronique found another one for me ! J'ai mon lit. Véronique m'en a trouvé un autre !

14 commentaires:

Deetz a dit…

Hi Faya and dyos.
I sure missed you alots. My mum has been busy working and hasn't been able to help me blog much. I think you two look great together and I am sure bring lots of laughter to your mum all the time

Asta a dit…

Huwwah! fow Vewonique!!!!
Enjoy this bootiful time of's the pwettiest!
we awe having fun wif my visiting bwuvvew..and today is daddi's Birfday , so we'we all togethew
love and smoochie kisses

The Black and Tans. a dit…

Hello Faya

We are enjoying all the Autumnal colours as well. We blend in very nicely don't we?
So pleased you have a new bed as well Faya.
Happy weekend

Molly and Taffy (who sends Welshie woofs to Dyos)

BenTheRotti a dit…

Hi Faya and Dyos,

What beautiful scenery, how very lucky you are living just three minutes away from that!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Love and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Stanislaw a dit…

I hope you marked that spectacular area to make it your own!

Gus a dit…

Oh Faya, that is beautiful. we hope that you enjoy your bed! But we kinda think Dyos will still want to share.


Noah the Airedale a dit…

The photos are wonderful. Have a great weekend and enjoy your new bed.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya and Dyos!
Autumn is the best!
Enjoy your weekend
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova a dit…

is that horsie or donkeys? i'd love walking with you there. over here, the neighbourhood is full of houses and cars. i don't really like it but at least i get the walkie i want.

wet wet licks


Thor and Jack a dit…

Hi Faya!
That´s a beautiful place!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Love and licks

Anonyme a dit…

Bon WE à vous aussi trufs et trufs et gros bisous.

Dandy Duke a dit…

The pictures are just beautiful, Faya! You're so lucky to live where you do! We're glad Dyos got his own bed but we agree with Gussie, we bet he'll still want to share your bed! Let us know if this is true!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches a dit…

Faya, you sure do live in a beautiful part of the world! We're very glad you each have your own bed, but we're with Gussie too...we think Dyos will still want to share!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Persephone and Buster a dit…


S'il ya un paradis sur terre, il doit être Suisse! Votre automnes sont aussi beau que ceux de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, et les fermes sont très "terrier-conviviale".

Nous avons aussi l'amour du chocolat suisse et les accélérateurs de particules.

Tes amis,

Buster, Sephie, et Bailey