mercredi 18 mars 2009

Merci George chéri....thank you George Darling !....and news from the des trous !

My darling George sent me a gift for my birthday ! A pink flamingo !!!!!
Mon George chéri m'a envoyé un cadeau pour mon anniversaire : un flamand rose !!!Waaaa comme il est beau. It is beautiful isn't it ?Dyos est content parce que c'est un cadeau pour nous deux. Dyos is happy because it is a gift for both of us..........and we can play together. This Flamingo is perfect for us ! On peut jouer ensemble, ce flamand est génial pour nous !MERCI MON GEORGE QUE J'AIME TRES TRES FORT !

Besides ......nothing special to report except a new hole....
Sinon rien de spécial....à part un nouveau trou.....Ahhhh si j'oubliais.....le dompteur de Dyos.....Elle a tout de suite compris le problème de Véronique. Elle a dit : avec une tête pareil ça doit être dificile de le gronder.....hahahahahaha
Ohhhh you remember Dyo's dogtrainer ? Guess what she said : with this face it must be dificult to scold him.....
I hope Véronique hadn't pay to much to hear this....j'espère que Véronique n'a pas payé trop cher pour entendre ça.....
But this is so true !
Mais c'est tellement vrai !

22 commentaires:

Persephone and Buster a dit…

Ms.Persephone here....veronique? I could have told you that dyos was not only lucky he's cute.. but also he's way to cute to scold (FREE!) I am also to cute to scold <----at least as a puppy. Now "I'm lucky I am cute"...wonder what the difference is. Nice flamingo has two legs so you can play tug!
Ms.Persephone & theBUSTER & Ms. Blue too

Mason Dixie a dit…

I love your new toy and so glad that both of you can play tug-o-war with it. =)

Georgeous a dit…

My dear Faya,
I am so glad your present arrived safetly and that you are sharing with the very cute Dyos. Everyones been so busy to blog BUT I must tell you I went for a good walk today. I met some more Rotties and master let me off my lead. I am healing and soon will be going for long walks and doing my favourite running.
Enjoy your Famingo.
Lots of Love

Gus a dit…

Faya: We so agree with the trainer! We think both of you are too cute to scold effectively, and hope that Veronique charged the trainer for playing with all y'all.


Anonyme a dit…

Nice hole digging. Please dig down to the core of the earth then to the left, pop up and see us.
We have numerous holes ready for your arrival.
We still have plenty of snow pups, we can only dream looking at you nice pics.

The Black and Tans. a dit…

What a beautiful present from your handsome George. How very kind of him to send it to you.


Dyos...naughty..... mais non!

Taffy :-)

Asta a dit…

hehehehe..I could have told Vewonique that fow nothing..George is a sweetie and youw Flamingo is bootiful..have fun playing wif it
smoochie bisous

Duke a dit…

How sweet of George! You guys will have a great time with your new flamingo!
Why should the trainer have to scold you? You're both PERFECT just the way you are!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie a dit…

What a lovely flamingo!!! oh dear PL2 is trying to kiss you and Dyos on the computer.....Love A+A

Noah the Airedale a dit…

That is a lovely flamingo Faya. George is such a nice boyfriend lol. You're a good girl sharing with your little brother.
We love that photo of Dyos. What a cutie pie.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

Scottie the 'Cutie' a dit…

George's present is too cute! And you're so sweet to share it with Dyos, Faya!

Mom had to giggle when she read what the dog trainer said about Dyos...heh! I have to agree though...he sure has a hard-to-scold face! *wink* I used to have that too when I was a puppy...but now I have another face to show that always gets Mom laughing. The 'guilty' face! *grins* Will show you if I get the chance...haha!


Lorenza a dit…

Your pink flamingo is great!
I am sure you and Dyos are enjoying it a lot!
I agree with the Dogtrainer!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley a dit…


Aren't flamingos (especially pink ones) the BEST THINGS EVER!! I see that you and Dyos are both now part of the pink flamingo club. Have fun with that. George is one thoughtful pup! (I totally approve of him being your darling.)

I seriously hope Gooberique got a refund from that dog trainer. Of COURSE Dyos is hard to scold because of that fuzzy face! But then again, so are you! You're both so cute my girl just sits and stares at your photos whenever we're at your blog. It's really kind of silly.

Goober love & smooches,

Anonyme a dit…

Et! ben vous 2, gâté comme d'ab.Et les trous, ça va ??? Tzoukette a passé une bonne nuit, mais très fatiguée.Bisous et merci pour le tel.

Nounours a dit…

Comment gronder un tel petit ange, je me le demande aussi ? Huhu.

Vous êtes si adorables, tous les deux... Quel superbe flamant rose vous avez reçu de votre ami, c'est vraiment très sympa et vous le méritez bien, les amis !

Je vous offrirais bien une petite viennoiserie à vous aussi pour vous récompenser, si je ne les avais pas toutes mangées. Re-Huhu.

Bonne journée !

Bae Bae a dit…

What a cute flamigo toy. :)
Dyos look so cute there. I dont think anyone would scold him

~ Bae

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

That was kind of George, what a lovely gift.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place a dit…

Oh could anyone ever scold that cutie pie Dyos??? He's is the most handsome puppers ever???

Love ur flamingo!!! She's sooo pink....Gooberstan is gonna adore her!! He is such a flamingo expert, ya know!!!!!

Loved and kisses..Laciegirlie

The Airechicks a dit…

Faya & Dyos

The pink flamingo is so cute and a very thoughtful gift for both...

Enjoy tuggin'

Dyos trainer is she out of work????
If not she's gonna be - Dyos is just a chick magnet.....


Lucia a dit…

Ciao, Faya e Dyos!

What a dolce flamingo your dear pal George sent, and how nice that it's something the two of you can share!

That's some very impressive hole-digging, miei amici...!!

Tanti baci!

Anonyme a dit…

Tzoukette, depuis l'autre jour va bien, en tous cas pour le moment.J'ai passé chez le veto,il doit la voir, il ne veut rien me donner comme ça,alors j'ai décidé que je soignerais moi même avec de l'homéopathie. J'ai regardé sur internet, même le veto ne peut pas faire grand'chose, sinon me dire qu'il faut un scanner ou une radio.J'ai eu la visite de Danielle cet après- midi avec Atilla et à son avis, essayer l'homéopathie, pourquoi pas ? On fait en sorte qu'elle ne soit jamais seule, si toutefois ça devrait arriver. Voilà ma Véronique, je voulais te répondre ce soir et te dire que pour le moment tout va bien. Gros bisous.

Anonyme a dit…

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