On a goûté la glace caramel pour ce week-end ! We have been testing the caramel-ice-cream for this week-end ! Rhôôôô miam miam !
Comme vous le voyez Dyos est inquiet. Vendredi il va avoir droit à des cours privés de dressage avec une comportementaliste.....aïe....As you can see, Dyos is anxious. Friday he will have his first rendez-vous with a dog-trainer (I don't know the word in fact....but she is like your Cesar Millan...)....
And now I hope I could also test the pizza..... J'espère pouvoir aussi tester la pizza....
19 commentaires:
Looks like a delicious weekend!
Ciao bella Faya!
Yummers! Amo gelato! I hope your tastes of it were every bit as good as they looked!
Please tell Dyos not to be too worried about the trainer. (That's where I'm going tomorrow!) It's always lots of fun, and you usually get some tasty treats, too!
Tanti baci!
Is it ice cweam season aweady???I haven't had any fow so long..I'm jelly..Dyos wif a twainew??but he's aweady pawfect, hehehe bon chance!
smoochie bisous
Oh, we love ice-cream, too!!!!
Let's hear it for the pizza!
Pizza? Ice cream? Can we come over, please?!
You'll ace the dog trainer! No worries!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mmmmm I love ice cream! I hope you both enjoyed every bite.
I'm sending positive vibes towards Dyos. Training is hard, but I'm sure he will do excellent!
Your pal,
Hi, Faya and Dyos!
You had a yummy weekend!
Ice cream!
I am sure Dyos is going to have fun with his trainer!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Ice cream are yummy.. I hope Dyos get a good trainer
~ Bae
Aie, aie , pauvre Dyos, c'est pa zanimal ce qu'on va te faire... mais essaye quand même juste pour faire plaisir à Véronique et pis si ça va pas , ça va pas !!!!! Bisous à tous.
That ice cream sounds yummy. We have never tried ice cream.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Oh, tu es vraiment certaine que c'est si bon que ça, la glace, pour vous autres petits chiens ? J'ai une amie vétérinaire qui m'a dit que les chiens pouvaient chaque jour de leur vie ou presque apprécier les mêmes croquettes, avec parfois des compléments en fonction de l'âge.
Mais, l'industrie alimentaire pour les animaux a bien compris le message : c'est le maître qu'il faut séduire d'abord ! Un peu comme la nourriture pour bébés, en somme. Huhu.
Sur ce, je m'en vais faire un petit tour à Vienne (oui, sauuucisses et schnitzels nous attendent !) ces prochains jours ! Gnourf.
You are so lucky tasting ice cream. All we have ever done is sniff it....sigh
Dyos you will have a good time with the dog trainer. You will train him very well we expect!!
Molly and Taffy
PS. Faya, Ticklish from verb: To tickle. A sensitive spot that makes you laugh. xx
My Dear Faya, Mummy didn't post your card today and i am worried you will not recieve it in time for your barkday party :(
I had to return to the V. E. T yesterday and couldn't remind her as I was there all day... I am very pawly right now and in pain with very tight stitches and am worried I will not be able to come for your Barkday... :( I am sad...
Caramel ice-cream sounds AWESOME! I hope you'll be able to taste pizza too, Faya! It's like, heaven! *licks lips*
Good luck to Dyos on his first training lesson! I'm sure he'll do well...*grins*
Mmmm, I could really go for some ice cream now. Good luck with the trainer. =)
Dyos, we know you will do a great job of training the trainer! Ice cream and pizza sound very yummy!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Oh my word. Ice cream is THE BEST. Look! It even made you weak in the hinders!
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