Look what they have done to me ! Regardez ce qu'ils m'ont fait !
Bon puisque je ne peux pas aller jouer en promenade....
ok, I cannot have walkies then I have to play inside with Dyos... fun.....amusant....he is small but courageous... Il est petit mais courageux ! Je peux quand même aller au jardin.....I can go to the garden ..... Our friend is back ! Notre copain est de retour !Et Dyos prend son rôle d'infirmier très au sérieux...Dyos is nursing very seriously....And of course we are still giving Véronique big hugs.....Et bien entendu on continue à donner des papouilles à Véronique...
PS : I think I will have to go the vet on monday....je crois bien que lundi je devrai aller chez le vétérinaire....
21 commentaires:
Faya...we love the pictures, but are concerned about the paw. We hope the visit to the vet goes well.
Ciao Faya e Dyos!
Ohhh, I hope your mal di zampa is better soon so you can have walkies with Dyos, bella Faya. He is being such a buon fratello -- and nurse!
Tanti baci!
PeeEss: Faya, I love your primavera collare; it is so pretty!
I am so sorry your paw is still hurt and you can't go on walkies! At least you are getting yummy icecream and lots of love from Dyos and Veronique!! Feel better soon!!
I hope your PawPaw is better soon. Walkies are so very important!
At least you have Dyos to keep you entertained and happy :) Hope your paw-paw heals quickly so that you can go walkies again.
Love, Josh and Jess
Poor Faya, I hope your paw heals quickly and you get back to your walkies! Mom thinks I've got an ear infection, so I'll be going to the vet too. Hope everthing goes well!
Your pal,
Hey, Faya!
Saviez-vous que de creuser des trous dans le jardin est un remède à une patte blessée?
La terre a décongelé, le temps est venu!
"L'audace, toujours l'audace!"
Hi, Faya!
Better take it easy. Your paw will be like new in no time!
Have fun inside with Dyos!
Kisses and hugs
Thank dog that you can go into youw bootiful jawdin (I see youw fwiends and youw outdoow snooze place. I'm glad that Dyos can nuwse you and entewtain you . Vewonique is so lucky to have bof of you to make hew day bwight.
Bonne chance at the dogtow
smoochie bisous
Oh ma pauvre Faya ...
c'est pas cool de se faire mal à la patte ... tu te souviens quand la Pat m'avait mis une chaussette ...
Heureusement que tu as Dyos comme infirmier ...
Grosse léchouille...
It's so hard for you to stay off that paw, Faya! Our paws are crossed that all goes well at the vet's and that it heals fast for you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I hope your paw is feeling better today so you don't have to go to the V-E-T. We received your package over the weekend! My mom has written the post but it won't go up until Saturday 4/11/09. We were a little backed up with out posts and she likes to leave each one up for two days before doing another. Your rock and treats (human and dawg) were AWESOME!!! Thank you sooooooo much!!
Ta papatte va guérir grâce à la bave magique de Dyos, je suis sûr ! Huhu.
En attendant, j'espère qu'on te gâte bien à l'approche de Pâques, pas avec des chocolats, mais peut-être, du bon massepain ou du bon nougat ?
Bon après-midi et je te serre (gentiment) la papatte en attendant que tu puisses retourner te promener dehors (il fait si beau...)
Le feuilleton de mon ouikend était meilleur que le tien ma pauvre Faya !!! Une poupée bleu, mais c'est zoli.La trumelle Nini a déposé chez moi un cadeau pour toi et Dyos. Soigne toi bien. Bisous à tous.
I hope your foot is better. A paper towel casts works the best...Sometimes I limp just to get a kiss on my footzies.
What big teeth you both have! Hope the vet goes OK (shudder).
Oh dear we hope your paw is better...and we are waiting to hear what the Vet said..Love and ksises A+A
courage ma belle, elle finira bien par etre guérie cette papatte....
on te fais un énorme bisous (cassi le trouve magique...)
et un bisous normal pour toute la famille
We hope your paw is better so you don't have to go to the vet.At least you have Dyos at home to play "gently" with you.tee hee! That is a pretty collar you are wearing Faya. Very Spring-like!
AireKisses, BabyRocketDog &
WelshieHugs, Hootie
Ben alors...
C'est mardi... la visite chez le vétérinaire a eu lieu ???
Sorry to hear your paw still hurts, Faya! I hope the visit to the vet went well, and your paw is feeling much better now! Your photos with Dyos and Veronique are precious! Love the last photo of you three together...*wink*
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