Véronique a travaillé à 100 % cette semaine et maintenant elle se sent coupable de ne pas vous avoir visité tous et laisser des commentaires....et elle se sent mal pour petit Dyos à qui on va couper les boules demain....elle se demande si ça ira pour lui....il est si petit.....et on va louper le mariage de nos amis....
A part ça tout va bien.....je vous donnerai des nouvelles de Dyos demain soir.....I will give you more news about Dyos's surgery tomorrow evening....
19 commentaires:
Notre mère .... nous compredons... elle travaille tous les jour, aussi! Nous? Nous dormons!
How're we doing? Our hooman sister is studying le français and we are picking up a word ici et là!
Next year she's studying le français et le russe. Oughta be interesting!
And... guy to guy.... the surgery's not so bad. I (Jake) just went under the knife a year ago. I'm good. Don't let them tell you otherwise!
Ça va! Woof! (the international language)
:) Jacques hehehehe :) (et Fergi - elle dorme)
My mom has been super busy, too, and it's no fun for us 'dales when the humans are busy! I am sure Dyos will be just fine! He is a tough little guy!
Oh not Dyos! hope everything turns out okay. =)
Ne t'en fait pas, Faya, chere amie.
We both experienced a similar "coupage" -- and it turned out just fine. No problems. No anxiety -- except for the humans (especially male humans).
We'll miss you -- but we're sure you'll be able to experience all the festivities just as if you were there!!! BOL!!!
Grosses bises a tout le monde.
Jake and Just Harry
Don't we know what working all the time means!! Don't worry about not visiting alot...We are behind too..Archie would like a private word with Dyos......
OK little buddy,don't worry it isn't that bad,piece of cake really and you will get a lot of treats and stuff..play on the sympathy..love Arch
Good Luck on your Nard removal tomorrow Dyos!!!
Hehehe, nards...I used to have those, they got snipped. Dyos will be okay with out those little things. It will be less for him to carry around with him while he gains momentum and speed!
Hehe! Faya! How the heck has your nose been? Do you get peanut butter anymore???
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Oh, I'm sure Dyos will be fine. I was just a little fellow when they took my winklets, and I was a-ok!
You'll be missed at the wedding, that's for sure!
Don't worry, Dyos! This surgery is a piece of cake! We hope you get to come home the same day and not stay overnight!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ciao miei amici!
Dyos, your dottore will take good care of you, I'm very sure. And your mama and Faya will give you lots of extra attention and pampering -- and probably extra treats!
Tanti baci!
Oh Faya. We are sorry that you will miss the wedding. Maybe we can all drop in on our way home and say HI to Dyos?
gussie d
We will miss you tewwibly , but will toast to Dyos's successfull suwgey and keep him in ouw pwayews.
Give Vewonique extwa smoochies fwom me to get hew to wecovew fwom too much wowk
love you all
smoochie kisses
I am sure Dyos will be fine. I will be praying for him.
I hope things will get better for you two soon.
I have my paws crossed for Dyos! I am sure everhting is going to be ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
w00fs, me will have Dyos in me prayers for his surgery...and hope all goes well..
b safe,
I am sure Dyos will be fine (:
Joyce is going to get fix too.
Lots of Mushy Hugs,
Four Musketeers
OH no - poor Dyos - but Paddy had a snip and he is still fine - still crazy as always
Hope all goes well and you get lots of toys and cuddles
Sally and Paddy
Oh no you're not going to the wedding. Faya, I was hoping for a dance....
We hope it goes tres bien for Dyos tomorrow. He'll be fine, we just know it!
Gnourf, j'espère que Dyos ira bien après, mais avec l'anesthésie, cela ne devrait pas être trop douloureux.
J'ai aussi été occupé, et aujourd'hui, c'est le premier mai, raison de plus pour travailler d'arrache-patte ! Huhu.
Bon week-end à vous tous !
Bonjour moi aussi j'ai un welsh terrier il à maintenant 4 ans et avant lui j'avais un airedale terrier il a vécu 13 ans j'adore ces 2 races c'est des chiens super !!!
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