mercredi 1 octobre 2008

Nice walkie ! Belle promenade... automnale !

While Dyos was doing this.....pendant que Dyos faisait ça....

....pardon : ça.... sorry : this....

Véronique & I were doing this....Véronique et moi on faisait ça....

...and this, for ça pour des biscuits supplémentaires....

Dyos had to stay home because he is still a puppy. Last week we have noticed that we forgot that he is a puppy and he had too long walkies and not enough naps....maybe this is why he was a little bit aggressive.

Have you noticed that Dyos and I have exactly the same colors ? Vous aviez remarqué qu'on a exactement les mêmes couleurs ?

...maybe he has more "red", no ? a peut-être un peu plus de rouge non ?

17 commentaires:

Eduardo a dit…

Y'all look so cute playing! Also I really love the pictures of your walkies! I wish I could walk somewhere as beautiful as that! Faya, my Mommy thinks you are so beautiful, and your brother is so cute!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Georgeous a dit…

Ah Faya, how nice for you to have time alone with Veronique! Switzerland is looking very beautiful in the Autumn.
Yes you should watch the little fella's walking - 5 mins per month whilst his bones grow stronger.
Love as always
Pour George

Asta a dit…

I too am glad you got to go fow a nice long walkie wif Vewonique in the bootiful autumn landscape..little Dyos is looking weddew definitely, but you'we wight , he still needs lot of west
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke a dit…

We love the picture of the two of you playing biteyface! How sweet! You sure are one heck of a good sissy, Faya!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs a dit…

Hi Faya, it's nice for you and Veronique to get some one-on-one time together anyway. what a pretty fall day it was.

Dyos and you could be related, you look so cute together.


Agatha and Archie a dit…

Boy the trees leaves turned color overnight didn't they?? Dyos probably enjoyed the rest!! Love and kisses A+A

Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Dyos is going to be a big boy in no time!
Glad you had a great time with Veronique!
Kisses and hugs

Kirby a dit…

He he, I love that while Dyos naps you get a great walkie! It's so wonderful being the older sister!! Everywhere around your home is so lovely and picturesque. Ahhh, and I think you and Dyos have the exact same coloring. Too cute!

Your pal,

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Faya!

Oh you have been spending some quality time with Veronique, that is very important for both of you!
Here in Finland we in vet practice tell our customers that free walks (without leash) for puppy are good and when puppy starts to show signs of getting tired, then it is enough for that day.
Don't hesitate to ask any kind of questions concerning dogs health or nutrition. Jane is happy to answer to them, after all it's her job!

Noah the Airedale a dit…

Looks like you had a nice walk while Dyos was resting.
You both look very similar in colour Faya.

Noah xx

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

Oh fun walkies. I think Dyos have sweet dreams when he nap

~ Girl girl

Nounours a dit…

Ton petit frère est adorable... ! Hihi, laisse-le faire sa sieste de bébé tranquillement, voyons, tu auras le temps de jouer avec lui bientôt !

Salutations à toute la petite famille !

Abby a dit…

Hi, Faya...

Just wanted to stop by with an update on AutoBiography Week...

As you know, it's gonna be Oct 20 - 27th, but you can start putting your post together now...

When you have it ready, please email it to one of us: or

Let's try to keep our posts to your 2 favorite pictures & under 500 words...

Our Mom's will get your post published on the "Littlest Memories" Blog during that week of Oct 20th thru 27th...

Thanks, & we hope you enjoy it...

Chef & Abby

Anonyme a dit…

You guys certainly are the perfect pair. I remember my baby brother... he'd sleep and sleep and sleep and feast! At least it got me some one-on-one time with my folks. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Caz and Ludo the cool dude a dit…

Well you and me Faya are very lucky to have 2 cutey brothers. Otto also will not be going on walks for a long while, just in the garden for play. I on the other hand have my walks which I love.I bet you enjoyed a bit of you time on your walk. Love the flat out dyos

LUDO the cool dude

Stanley a dit…

Sweet Faya Sissy!

You are BOTH gorgeous, but you're right. Dyos is a little redder than you (like me... I'm kind of red and tan and Stella is more blonde & tan/grizzle). You guys are really getting into the bitey face... don't you LOVE it?

I'm glad you're getting some good time with Gooberique! It's true. Dyos needs his puppy rest!

Goober love & smooches,

Boo Casanova a dit…

hmm... faya, i still remember i went for a doggie event while i was still a pup. it was so tiring, i came home snoooooooooring so loudly. lol it was pretty embarrass and mom caught me on video too. :(

wet wet licks
