C'est pas moi que le dit mais mon amie Snowball .... I am not saying this but my friend Snowball do... Merci merci merci.... thank you so much !
This week-end we also had ....... SNOW !!! Ce week-end j'ai vu de la NEIGE !!! Si c'est vrai.... and yes it is true .... look.... voyez vous-même.....

Je n'ai pas rêvé.... I was not dreaming !
Par contre ce truc vert est un cauchemard.... but wearing this is a nightmare !!!
15 commentaires:
SNOW!!! Oh my dog, it must be soooooo cold.
Faya, yes, Sherwood Forest is where Robin Hood lived with his men. Fortunately we did not come across the nasty Sheriff of Nottingham.
Molly and Taffy
I'm sowwy you have to weaw that vest, but I want you SAFE!!!! so pleeez weaw it..
what lovely snow..it's still so wawm hewe..we miss fall!!
I wish I was an aiwedale and bootiful and tall like you!!!!
Merci ! fow saying that we awe doing something good..
you cewtainly awe Sweet as candy!
smoochie kisses
avec gros bisous a tout!!!
Hi Sweetie Faya,
You look ok in the vest afterall. Ask Veronique to feed back to your vet for them to produce such vest in Pink or Red. These 2 colour will certainly look better on you.
Yiou still look tres jolie in your vest Faya!
My goodness, snow already!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
OMG you are so lucky! I love snow! I want snow! Can we trade houses?
Love ya lots,
Hi Faya,
Wow, you have snow already! It's been hot here, no sign of snow yet. You are so lucky. I love to eat the snow. Yum yum!! I like the green vest on you, you wear it so well!
Your pal,
Wow! Already snowing there? Must freezing now...I wish Malaysia had snow too. I hate the hot weather!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow snow, I've only seen snow once and my sissies have never seen it.
Have fun playing in it.
Hugs and tail wags,
Noah xx
Hello Faya! Ton chose truc jaune, c'est un mal pour un bien et ça te va à ravir! ;O) Eh oui il a bel et bien neigé, j'en ai été tout aussi étonnée que toi! Véronique, tu as raison pour mon appartement, enfin, son appartement ;O)Gros bisous à vous deux!
Oh Faya, why don't you like your special vest? you look beautiful in green! lucky you to have some snow to play in. we hope you have fun. we love to romp in the snow.
Hiiiiiiiiiii, la neige.Elle est contente ma Faya, elle aime ça. Trufouilles et bisous.Doctoresse PC je t'attends quand tu veux.
That's so cool Faya. I wish I get snow in Singapore too.
~ Girl girl
Snow! I love snow! Muzzer says maybe this year we can go somewhere to visit it. You are a lucky girl Faya, and truly sweet as any treat.
SNOW!!!!! We LOVE snow!! We like your vest it is tres charmant( we think that is how to say it) Love A+A
Snow already! you will be glad of your jacket now it gets cold!
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