En rentrant dimanche de la fête (waouw j'ai encore de la peine à croire tout ce que j'ai vu...), j'ai pensé que j'allais enfin pouvoir dormir, mais non....regardez ce qui m'attendait !

My brother Stanley !!!!
Rhôôôôôôôô j'aime les surprises... I love surprises !
Il y avait tellement de choses ! Je commence par le Wubba ... le meilleur jouet pour chien de tout l'univers...
There was so much things inside ... Here is a Wubba ! The best toy of the univers !!
There was so much things inside ... Here is a Wubba ! The best toy of the univers !!
Et ce poisson à grande bouche (pardon pour la photo mais j'étais tellement exitée)....And this funny little fish....(sorry for the picture but I was exited...)
et des bisous de Stanley....and kisses from Stanley....
et des bonnes choses à manger, un bandana et un magnet .....and some treats, one bandana and a magnet...
Ca ce sont mes colliers que j'ai commandés aux USA et que Stanley m'a fait parvenir. Ils sont magnifiques. Rien à voir avec ce qu'ils font pour les chiens suisses.
Those are the collars I order in the USA and that Stanley send me. Nothing comparable to the collars you can find here in Switzerland...
Merci Stanley.... tu es un Super - Frangin !
Thank you so much Stanley... Stella has the best brother !!
Maintenant je vais me reposer...Now I need to sleep.....
Have a nice day everydoggy ! Bonne journée à tous !
Here is Véronique writting : Can somebody tell me what's happened at the party ? My Faya hurted herself at a paw and we will go today to the vet... nothing bad but if the vet says that she danced to much I will never let her go to another party.....
Ici Véronique : Est-ce-que quelqu'un peut m'expliquer ce qu'il y a eu à la fête ? Faya boîte et on va aller chez le vétérinaire aujourd'hui. Rien de grave mais si il me dit que c'est parce qu'elle a trop dansé je ne la laisserai plus jamais aller à une fête....
22 commentaires:
Stanley sure is nice to send you all those great gifts and the kisses. :)
~ Girl girl
Une fois de plus, tu as été gâtée de belles et bonnes choses.Tu as mal à la patte? je souhaite que ce soit pas grave, paske cette semaine on se voit. T'es toujours d'acc. ? truftrufs et bisous.
Mais ma parole... Elle a un vrai collier de bikeuse avec des flammes et tout et tout ma Faya d'amour... Dis moi ma Faya, tu vas aussi te faire tatouer ??? J'ai une suggestion... Tu pourrais faire un coeur avec une flèche et écrire CHATON sur une banderole en travers ;-)
You seem to be a very wild party-girl! ;o)
sorry Faya, I think it is my fault. I stood on your foot when we were dancing. I am so clumsy! I did try to tell you to sit down but you kept on dancing like a crazy puppy. Too much party spirit! Hope it gets better soon though.
I agree with you about trying to find collars as good as those in the USA. It seems to be really difficult here in England too. Or if you find them, they are sooo expensive. Great that Stanley did the posting for you to stop the crazy tax. You look fantastic in your new collar!
That's one hot collar, Faya, and it looks great on you! You're going to love Wubba! He's the BEST! Mitchy has that big lipped fishy too except that his doesn't squeak anymore! Stanley is one sweet and thoughtful boy!
Like Mojo says, there was a lot of dancing and the dance floor was small. We were all bumping and grinding. oops - these things happen!
Love ya lots,
Wow Faya, we were just admiring Stanley's collar and now you have some too. They do look very good and they're nice and wide. My sister Tess got a new collar when she came to live with us only 2 months ago and it already has teeth marks through it...thanks to Lucy!
We hope your paw is ok. The pawty did get a little wild didn't it.
Enjoy your pressies.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Sweet Sissy Faya!!
I am so glad your package arrived safely with your collars inside! You look super HOT in your flame collar! (Did you like the pig snout treat I sent? Or the cow ear?)
Please tell Gooberique that I will vouch for the safety of the party, and that someone accidentally stepped on your paw, and that you were too excited to stop dancing!
I wish Stella could meet you. She could learn some sweet manners from you.
Goober love,
Your brother Stanley
Hi Faya,
You have got some really Awesome Stuff.
Veronique, Faya said that because she had missed too many pawty and so she had to dance to her heart content at the halloween pawty. Even after her paw got injure, she refuse to stop.
I guess you just have to let her go to more pawty so that she dun get overly excited when she get to go to one.
Faya! You did dance beaucoup ma petite fille!
Merci pour mon cadeau! C'est parfait!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Wow that collar is hot!! (Archie is panting!! ) Well,uh, you see,,,uummmm,well let's just say that Faya sure knows how to PARRRRTTTYYYY!!!!!!( our lips are sealed Faya,don't worry) Love A+A
Ben dis donc Faya ... vraiment gâtée ... tes colliers sont magnifique ...
Et pour ta patte ?? ça va mieux ??
Well, we were gonna tell Veronique that you hurt your paw chasing baby Stella to keep her away from the lighted pumpkins, but I guess the rest of the gang blew that one.
Oh Faya
I'm so sowwy you huwt youw paw.we did dance pwetty wildly , but it was so much fun,and you wewe so vewy bootiful!!
Vewonique! pleeez,pleez don't say pas de pawty pouw Faya! We would miss hew too much!!
I told you Stanley will always be youw bwudder and loves you!!those awe gowgeous pwesents..and awen't his kisses the best?
smoochie kisses and get well soon my sweet amie
Faye we are sorry to hear you hurt your paw- hope it recovers soon. Love your new collars very trendy.
The Thugletsx
Hi Faya,
I love your new collars. They are super cool (or should I say hot?). Stanley is such a sweetie to send them to you, along with some treats. Enjoy the Wubba, I love mine, which lead me to eat it. He he he! Sorry you hurt your paw. Next time remember to rest a bit when partying hard!
Your pal,
Ben voilà ce que c'est de faire la night comme on dit chez nous...
Comment va cette papatte ???
Moi suis allée chez le véto avec Biscotte... Ben ai eu peur mais ava mieux minant...
Une allergie de chez allergie qui fait qu'elle se lèche et se gratte jusqu'au sang...
Mais ava rentrer dans l'ordre...
You are a very lucky girl, all those lovely things you have received. Enjoy them all and we hope that your paw gets better very soon.
Molly and Taffy
WOW! Your pressies are soo nice & that piggy;'s snout looks yummy to chew...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Au voleur ! je t'ai volé une image...
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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