lundi 7 juillet 2008

A wonderful week-end ! Un week-end de rêve !

Saturday Taky and her Patricia came for the week-end.... It was delirious ! Samedi Taky et sa Patricia sont venues pour le week-end...du délire ! Le dimanche matin on avait rendez-vous chez mon amie Nelly pour un Pic-Nic Bleublog.....génial (Les photos de ma copine Nini sont ici). On Sunday morning we went to my friend Nelly for a meeting with some bloggers from Bleublog (here are some pictures from Nini). It was great. But on the way we stopped because I had to show Taky my beautiful lake....en chemin on s'est arrêté pour que je puisse montrer à Taky mon magnifique lac.....
Yes, I know, SHE swims and I don't ..... oui je sais, ELLE nage et pas moi.... On dirait qu'elle apprécie le lac de looks like she appreciates......of course we had to pose for our girls....on a évidement dû poser pour nos nanas....Tsoukette nous a reçu dans son jardin....Tsoukette was waiting for us in her garden....Taky was surprised by the way I said hello to Tsoukette....Taky avait surprise par ma manière de dire bonjour à Tsoukette....Regardez : Tsoukette à un château à elle toute seule ! Look ! Tsoukette has her own castle !It is so nice ! Il est magnifique !On a bien joué, comme des fofolles....we played like mad....Taky a pris du bon temps....Taky had a realy great time.........on a pris le temps de se reposer aussi....we also had a great nap.... ...sous le regard de Max....Max was supervising....Et maintenant Taky et Patricia sont rentrées chez elles à Genève, mais on se revera....Now Taky and her Patricia are back in Geneva but we will meet again ! Taky I miss you already....Taky, tu me manque déjà !

20 commentaires:

kelly barton art + design a dit…

so pretty


The Black and Tans. a dit…

OOOH Faya we have been waiting to hear about your weekend adventures with Taky.
You certainly had a great time playing together and you play so well together.
I, Taffy, love to swim and have my own paddling pool, perhaps your new brother when he arrives will one day teach you the joys of swimming.

Molly and Taffy xx

Gus a dit…

Faya,,,that looks like a lovely weekend, and I think you must be very tired! You playes so hard and were a great hostessss...and wow! A doggie castle. We are in awe!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley a dit…

You two look like Molly and Taffy! I especially like the picture of you running and playing some bitey! When Buddy was here I did that lots with him!

Also, Faya...we seem to greet our friends the same way, hehehe!

Stop by the Bone Zone and check out the July Awesome Blog Nominations...

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Willow the Black Dale a dit…

Faya what a great weekend. Now the greeting I am not to sure about! However it looks as if you had a wonderful time with your friends. I like the napping part. Oh I love naps.


Kyanite a dit…

What a fun week-end you had!
Guess the tennis result was the only downer...

Pats & pets

Asta a dit…

Quelle Magnifique Weekend!!!!
You and Taki, and Tsoukette and ohhhh how wondewful and looks like the best time!! I wish I could have been thewe too...You look sooo gowgeous, and it was so nice of you to show Taki youw lake..obviously much appweciated! and that castle wow!!!
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke a dit…

What a great time you had with Taky! Your lake is beautiful, Faya - just magnificent!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae a dit…

Your lake is loverly! I wanna swim in it too but 1st, i gotta move to your country. Heh!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Deetz a dit…

Taky is awefully cute Faya...That is a beautiful lake to go swimming in and we really enjoyed the photos of you playing together. I got the package and will make sure the piggies find good homes for you. Thank you Faya

Gaia the Airedale a dit…

Neat, shes got her own castle!! What a fun weekend too, I dont like to swim either Faya hehe

puppy breath,

Bogart H. Devil a dit…

Woo-hoo!!! Taky is GORGEOUS!!!


Lorenza a dit…

Hi, Faya!
Yes, I can see you had a wonderful weekend!
It is funny your way to say hello to your friends!
Kisses and hugs

Anonyme a dit…

Je découvre de belles photos, ( même coquine )quel plaisir, il exite des chiens heureux, on les aime, ils le savent. Merci pour les photos du ptit, c'est tout mimi. A demain, bisous truftrufs.

Simba and Jazzi a dit…

So many blogs to catch up on. Hope you had a good weekend.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster a dit…

What a fun meetup. :)

~ Girl girl

Taky a dit…

Coucou Faya ...

TU ME MANQUES !!!!!!!!!!!!

C'était un superbe week-end ... vivement qu'on recommence ...

Une grosse léchouill à toi et à toute ta famille humaine ....

BrandytheGreat a dit…

So much funnn!!!
You two look verry cute together!

Agatha and Archie a dit…

Now you have PL2 going ahhhhhh when she sees the movies! ANd we all LOVE the picture of you 2 sleeping!! PL1+2 had a wire fox terrier B.U.(before us) so your pictures made her smile.....ANd that castle???????INCROYABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love and kisses A+A

Stanley a dit…

You two are so cute together! It's like you've always been buddies! That Taky is such a bootiful girl. You two could be sissies (if she was an Airedale)!

Can't wait until Taky comes back to visit.

Goober love,